US elections: at least four injured after knife attack near White House


A woman and three men were stabbed in Washington DC, several blocks from the White House, during election night, NBC station reported today.

According to the channel, which quotes police sources, the injuries do not endanger the lives of the victims, who were hospitalized.

DC Police, for their part, reported a stabbing on their Twitter account, in a post in which they added that look for 3 suspects.

According to local media, the victims are members of the far-right group Proud Boys (Proud guys).

During the night of the presidential elections, hundreds of people gathered in the square Black lives matter, opposite the White House and in other neighboring areas.

At least two people were arrested during the demonstration.

For the moment, we do not know if the attack is linked to the mobilizations.

Protests across the country

Isolated protests have taken place in various cities, from Washington to Seattle in the hours after polling stations in the United States closed, but there was no indication of widespread election-related unrest or violence.

The outcome of the tight presidential race remained undecided on Wednesday, raising fears that prolonged uncertainty could spark conflict.

But the morning protests in cities like Seattle, Washington and New York they were mostly peaceful.

In Washington, more than 1000 people protesting against President Donald Trump they converged on Tuesday night at the Black Lives Matter Plaza, a few blocks from the White House, while hundreds more marched through the center of the capital, occasionally lacing traffic and lighting fireworks.

Protesters shouted: ‘Who owns the streets? Our! And “ If we don’t have justice, they won’t have peace. ”

Groups of teenagers danced in the streets to the cheers of the population. Large banners were unfolded, including one that read “ Trump lies all the time. ”

At one point, the protesters punctured the wheels of a parked police van.

Hundreds of people marched during anti-Trump protests in Portland, Oregon and Seattle, where there were several inmates.

“This is what democracy looks like,” protesters chanted in Portland, where organizers said the march would be peaceful and that whatever the outcome of the election, they would continue to demonstrate in defense of racial justice. Local police said some protesters were carrying weapons in plain sight.

Source: Telam and AP


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