US Elections: Thousands Called to “Count Every Vote” in New York


A large number of supporters of the Democratic Party of Joe biden parade this Wednesday evening for the Fifth Avenue from New York, demanding that the last vote resulting from yesterday’s election be counted.

As notified by the news agency AFP, thousands of people filled the streets of “The Big Apple”. They carried all kinds of posters and signs with slogans such as “Every vote counts” O “Stop Trump from stealing the election”.

Supporters of Joe Biden’s inauguration marched towards Washington square as they moved to the rhythm of drums and drums.

Democratic protests in New York
Democrats’ protests have been heard in New York State

The member of the “Coalition to protect the result” Sarah Boyagian |, 29, repudiated Donald Trump’s actions at the agency, especially with regard to his self-proclamation as president-elect before the polls were completely closed. “I’m afraid democracy is hanging by a thread. I don’t know if Biden won the election, you have to count every vote,” he also noted. John Fraser, another of the members of the organization who called this march.

A similar episode occurred in the state of Detroit. Promote an inverted slogan, supporters of the New York native called for an end to the vote count in the pivotal state of Michigan.

Elections in the United States 20201104
US citizens march in response to uncertain electoral landscape

At the cry of “Stop counting!”, a small but determined group of protesters patrolled the streets of Detroit in support of the position of Donald Trump who announced that he wanted to take legal action to stop the said vote count.

The tension arises in a scenario increasingly favorable to Joe Biden. In the last hours, the presidential candidate of the Democratic Party slowly approached the doors of the White House.

Some cities, to a lesser extent, have also been the scene of violent events. Portalnd, Seattle and Minneapolis they submitted to chaos and disorder. It is in the latter that the marches were held under the slogan “Blacks Lives Matter” in response to the death of George floyd last May.


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