US, EU and Canada called Chavismo-opposition negotiations positive and demanded free elections in Venezuela


Jorge Rodríguez, envoy of Nicolás Maduro to the negotiations, Mexican Minister of Foreign Affairs Marcelo Ebrard, Dag Nylander, representative of the Norwegian government and Gerardo Blyde Pérez, head of the Venezuelan opposition delegation, during the first day of dialogue in Mexico City (Reuters)
Jorge Rodríguez, envoy of Nicolás Maduro to the negotiations, Mexican Minister of Foreign Affairs Marcelo Ebrard, Dag Nylander, representative of the Norwegian government and Gerardo Blyde Pérez, head of the Venezuelan opposition delegation, during the first day of dialogue in Mexico City (Reuters)

In a joint statement dated August 14, one day after the official start of talks in Mexico City, and signed by Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken, EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Josep borrell, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs canadian Marc Garneau, demanded the restoration of democratic institutions in the country.

“We hope that this process will enable all Venezuelans to express themselves politically through free and fair local, parliamentary and presidential elections.”, assured and urged all parties to act in good faith in order to reach lasting agreements conducive to a comprehensive solution to the Venezuelan crisis.

“The democratic opposition factions have worked hard to build a united platform, and we recognize the need for such unity to move these negotiations forward. We appreciate the constructive role of the Kingdom of Norway as moderator of these negotiations, ”they added.

In the statement, however, They clarified that the United States, the European Union and Canada continue to “demand the unconditional release of all those unjustly detained for political reasons, the independence of political parties, freedom of expression, even for members of the press, and an end to human rights violations ”.

In addition, they demand “that electoral conditions governed by international standards of democracy be ensured, starting with the local and regional elections scheduled for November 2021”.

State Secretary Antony J. Blinken
State Secretary Antony J. Blinken

“We remain determined to support the Venezuelan people and to face the very serious humanitarian crisis that Venezuela is going through. We support the conclusion of new agreements between all political actors in Venezuela that allow unlimited and transparent access to humanitarian aid, including food, medicine, vaccines and other essential supplies to alleviate the situation of the country. COVID-19, ”they said.

And finally, they reiterated their desire “to reconsider the sanctions policies if the regime makes significant progress in the talks announced”

The dialogue between the opposition and the government of Venezuela took place in Mexico on Saturday in secrecy and with growing international expectation to alleviate the political crisis in the South American country.

Tras la inauguración del proceso el viernes, con un evento mediático y la firma de un memorando de ententimiento in the Museo Nacional de Antropología de México, las facciones venezolanas conversaron con discreción in a hotel in Paseo de la Reforma, the main avenida of the capital Mexican.

Neither the delegation of the government of Nicolás Maduro, headed by the President of the National Assembly, Jorge Rodríguez, nor that of the Venezuelan Unitary Opposition Platform, represented by lawyer Gerardo Blyde, made statements to the media.

The dictator of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro.  EFE / Rayner Peña / Archives
The dictator of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro. EFE / Rayner Peña / Archives

The points agreed for negotiation include: political rights for all, electoral guarantees and an observable election calendar, the lifting of sanctions, respect for the rule of constitutional law, as well as political and social coexistence and renunciation to violence. Also reparation for victims of violence, protection of the national economy and social protection measures for the Venezuelan people and guarantees of implementation, monitoring and verification of what has been agreed.


Day 1 of the dialogue between Chavismo and the opposition: a fight between hope and fear that Maduro will kick back the negotiating table

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