US imposes new sanctions on Belarusian regime for cracking down on opposition voices


Dictator Alexander Lukashenko (Reuters)
Dictator Alexander Lukashenko (Reuters)

The United States on Monday announced sanctions against Belarusian figures, companies and entities, increasing pressure on the authoritarian regime of Alexander Lukashenko., according to a statement released by the White House.

One year after elections considered by Western powers as “fraudulent”, in which Lukashenko won his contested re-election and which was followed by a wave of repression against the opposition, the new decree strengthens the US sanctions in force since 2006 against the regime, extending them to several key sectors of the economy of this Russian border country.

Instead of respecting the clear will of the Belarusian people, Lukashenko’s regime perpetrated electoral fraud, followed by brutal crackdown to quell dissent“said US President Joe Biden.

“The actions of the Lukashenko regime are an illegal attempt to retain power at any cost,” he said, adding: “We are on the side of the Belarusian people who courageously defend democracy.”

A White House official noted that the sanctions against Lukashenko are justified by its “continued attack on the democratic aspirations and human rights of the Belarusian people, transnational repression and abuses”.

At the same time, the Treasury also ordered sanctions against Belarusian companies, figures and entities, including its National Olympic Committee, after the attempted forced repatriation of a Belarusian athlete participating in the Tokyo Olympics.

Krystsina Tsimanouskaya, who dropped out of the Olympics, at a press conference in Poland (Reuters)
Krystsina Tsimanouskaya, who dropped out of the Olympics, at a press conference in Poland (Reuters)

This is to target companies and entrepreneurs who function as “portfolios” of the regime.Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said in a separate statement.

In this sense, those who would probably promote both the personal enrichment of the Belarusian president and the financing of his regime, in exchange for various favors, have been identified.

Among those sanctioned is Belaruskali OAO, one of the largest state enterprises in Belarus. and one of the world’s largest potash producers. It would be an illegal source of wealth for the regime.

The American announcement comes shortly after the annual press conference of the Belarusian president, who once again proclaimed his victory in an electoral body “completely transparent” in the face of an opposition which was preparing a “coup” against him.

They might start World War III, is that what you’re trying to push us and the Russians into?? Lukashenko said of Western sanctions.

Lukashenko was proclaimed winner of the elections with more than 80% of the vote, a result considered fraudulent by many observers and which sparked an unprecedented protest movement in this former Soviet republic ruled by him since 1994. From the election campaign, he intensified the crackdown on their opponents.

But it even went further. At the Tokyo Olympics, which are already over, Belarusian sprinter Krystsina Tsimanouskaya requested protection to avoid being forced to board a plane on the way home., saying he feared for his life if he returned to Belarus after criticizing his coaches.

The sprinter received a humanitarian visa from Poland and told the AFP in an interview in Warsaw on Monday that he would like to “set my country free”.

Krystsina Tsimanouskaya (i).  EFE / EPA / VALDRIN XHEMAJ
Krystsina Tsimanouskaya (i). EFE / EPA / VALDRIN XHEMAJ

Tsimanouskaya was one of many Belarusian sports figures who in August 2020 publicly criticized the violence against protesters in the demonstrations that took place in the former Soviet country after the presidential vote.

The United States has accused the Olympic Committee of facilitating money laundering, evading sanctions and circumventing visa bans.

In May, Lukashenko’s government intercepted Ryanair plane and arrested opposition activist and his girlfriend on board.

A few days ago Vitali Shishov, a dissident who headed an organization to aid Belarusian exiles, was found dead on the outskirts of Kiev, Ukraine, and an investigation was underway to determine whether it was ‘a suicide or a death for cause. Relatives blame Lukashenko regime’s special services, though he denied his country was involved in the suspicious death

One of the personalities who most called for the sanctions was Svetlana Tijanóvskaya, a leader who replaced her imprisoned husband on the fly and succeeded in uniting all the Belarusian opposition currents. After Lukashenko’s triumph, she found herself in exile and is currently supported overseas by many Western leaders, including Biden, who received her in July..

(With information from AFP)


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