US justice sent back Trump conspired with Russia to win elections


Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller concluded, after a nearly two-year investigation, that there was no evidence of conspiracy between President Donald Trump's campaign team and Russia during the elections of 2016.

"The prosecutor's special investigation did not show that Trump's campaign or anyone related to it had conspired or coordinated with Russia to influence the 2016 US presidential election," he said. explained the US Attorney General Bill Barr Mueller

In a letter to Congress, Barr summarized the key findings of the paper prepared by his colleague: "As the report says:" The survey did not show that members of the Trump campaign had conspired with the government Russian in their activities of interference in the elections "".

Prosecutor Robert Mueller's report concluded that no one from President Donald Trump's campaign had conspired with the Russian authorities. (Source: AP)
Prosecutor Robert Mueller's report concluded that no one from President Donald Trump's campaign had conspired with the Russian authorities. (Source: AP)

According to Barr, there is also no evidence that Trump has obstructed justice, although he acknowledges that it is a "complex issue". "This report does not conclude that the president has committed a crime, but he does not exonerate him either "said the prosecutor, citing what the report says about it.

No collusion, no obstruction, complete and total EXONERATION. KEEP GREAT AMERICA!

– Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 24, 2019

Mueller began his investigation in May 2017, which also examined Trump's finances and the possibility that the president might have obstructed justice. It also indicted 34 people, including six former presidential advisers.

Last week, the US House of Representatives voted unanimously in favor of publishing Mueller's report. Trump himself stated that he was mocking that the document be declbadified. "Let him out, let people see him", badured the president, about the investigation he described as being "witch hunts" and "illegal".

Attorney General William Barr was responsible for disclosing the investigation of his colleague, Robert Mueller. (Source: Bloomberg)
Attorney General William Barr was responsible for disclosing the investigation of his colleague, Robert Mueller. (Source: Bloomberg)

Mueller's work culminated in accusations against Trump's former campaign manager, Paul Manafort, and his right-hand man, Rick Gates; and against a former adviser to the Republican candidate of the time, George Papadopoulos. The accused was also Trump's former lawyer, Michael Cohen; his first National Security Advisor to the White House, Michael Flynn; and the collaborator of the former president, Roger Stone.

Of the 34 suspects charged, 26 are of Russian nationality. Mueller also hit three Russian companies, including Internet Research Agency, accused of launching "an information war" on social networks to divide American society.


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