US Navy pilot revealed UFO disabled weapon system: “It was a shocking encounter”


A pilot of the Marina of United States, whose plane filmed the famous images of UFO “Tic-tac” revealed that his weapon system it has been disabled during “the frightening encounter”. “Once I put the target of interest on my radar I did a lockdown and that’s when it all started to go haywire. so rareHe said frightened.

lieutenant commander Chad Underwood explained that when he tried to hunt down the UFO, he started to see “Strobe lines” on your cockpit radar. This incident took place during the exercises of an aircraft carrier group USS Nimitz off Mexico.

The crew aboard the class guided missile cruiser Ticonderoga USS Princeton, had spent the past two weeks tracking mysterious planes with advanced passive radar AN / ESP-1B.

Filmmaker Jeremy Corbeau was in communication with Underwood and there the pilot expressed that the nature of the ticking was undoubtedly erratic. “The speed started to turn Faster, and that’s when we started seeing what we call strobe jam lines, ”he said.

In turn, the fighter pilots French have also reported that their old weapon systems they disabled during encounters with UFOs, according to an official investigation.

For this reason, those responsible for Department of Defense published a memorandum in which they let it be known that they would henceforth seek to “formalize” the investigations of UFO, often now known as unidentified aerial phenomena (STEAM).

Currently, UAPs are part of the main report of the UAP Working Group, a body created after a series of leaked videos what they show strange encounters between the phenomenon and American warplanes.

The MoD memorandum established a three-point plan for join surveys the United States:

  • Synchronize the collection, reporting and analysis of PANs and “secure” military training and test fields.
  • Reserve resources and personnel to continue the investigation, apparently confirming the establishment of an official office.
  • There must be “coordination” between all arms of the US military and intelligence services on the subject.

That is why Defense Ministry staff should also report any potential encounter with a PAN within two weeks of this event, in order to allow for a more proper investigation.


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