US purchases 500 million Pfizer vaccines to donate to the world


U.S. government plans to purchase 500 million doses of Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine for donation to other countries, reported today The Washington Post, shortly before President Joe Biden began a tour of Europe to meet with authorities in allied countries.

Following the publication of the report, Pfizer shares rose 2% on the New York Stock Exchange.

During his first official trip abroad, Biden plans to announce donation plan from the US government at the Group of Seven (G7) leaders’ summit to be held this week in London.

In recent weeks, calls have piled up from nations and organizations to That the United States and other wealthy countries play a bigger role in increasing the global supply of coronavirus vaccines.

Before boarding Air Force One for Europe today, Biden told reporters that announces its global immunization strategy at the G7 summit. The Pfizer laboratory has not yet responded immediately to a question on this subject.

Last week, the US government announced that it will share by the end of June at least 80 million doses of vaccines worldwide, of which 25 million will be part of Covax and airlocks, six million will be for Latin America and the Caribbean.


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