US sanctions suspected brain of AMIA attack


July 19, 2019
– 12:07

The US State Department is offering $ 7 million to find it

The United States Government announced today sanctions against Salman Raouf Salman, leader of the terrorist group Hezbollah and Suspected to be the brain of the AMIA bombing. For its part, the Treasury Department offers seven million dollars of information on his travels.

The measures of the North American treasury freeze Salman's badets and prohibit him from carrying out transactions in the US financial system for himself or for Hezbollah.

To integrate

The Treasury targets Salman Raouf Salman, a senior Hezbollah official, for perpetrating and planning terrorist attacks in the Western Hemisphere

– Treasury Department (@USTreasury) July 19, 2019

The statement states that US sanctions are a consequence of the inclusion of Salman Raouf Salman in the new register of terrorist organizations created by the government of Mauricio Macri.

The US agency founded the measure considering that Salman "coordinated the devastating attack"at the AMIA and from that moment directs terrorist operations for Hezbollah in the Western Hemisphere".

The announcement of sanctions is given at the moment Mike Pompeo, Secretary of State of the United States, is on tour in our country.


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