US Senator Marco Rubio predicts "the worst" for Nicolás Maduro and "prison" for Diosdado Cabello – 02/11/2019


US Senator Marco Rubio on Monday predicted the "worst" for Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro, and predicted a "jail" for Chavez's number two, Diosdado Cabello, but reiterated Washington's bid for a new president. exempt officials from punishment. do not know their "illegitimate" authority.

Rubio said that "the future of democracy in Venezuela is largely in the hands of six men" and promised that there would be no "military purge" for those who adhere to Juan Guaidó, recognized as interim president by the United States and a half. countries.

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Guaidó, president of the Parliament elected in 2015, declared on January 23 rallying to hold new elections, after considering that Maduro had been re-elected in fraudulent elections.

Rubio, the spearhead of President Donald Trump's offensive against Venezuela's Maduro, said the process started three weeks ago "is irreversible" and that Maduro "can not escape anything".

Florida Republican Senator Marco Rubio. / AP Photo / Carolyn Kaster /

Florida Republican Senator Marco Rubio. / AP Photo / Carolyn Kaster /

"From there, the situation is only getting worse for Maduro," he said at a forum organized by the conservative Heritage Foundation and the International Republican Institute.

He added that, for Cabello, president of the Constituent Assembly who governs with absolute powers, "there is no future, just in a prison".

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Although he stated that other people like him could not "receive any amnesties of any kind from the United States on the basis of federal charges," concessions could be made to "avoid a bloodbath".

"At the military level and elsewhere, some have the opportunity to clean up a bit, depending on what they did," he said, although he stressed that this "window" "Opportunity did not exist forever".

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Rubio promised on "immunity" to the Minister of Defense, General Vladimir Padrino, Admiral Remigio Ceballos, Major General Jesus Rafael Suarez Chourio, Admiral Giuseppe Alessandrello Cimadevilla, Major General Edgar Valentín Cruz Arteaga and Major General Antonio Benavides Torres "They help restore democracy."

"There will be no military purge after Maduro, because Venezuela will need it to ensure its security and stability during the transition to democracy," he tweeted, after making the same offer to Padrino last week.

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Rubio, who claims that Maduro is running a "criminal enterprise", has asked how he or Cabello had weighed so much "in a country where people are starving".

"They look like refrigerators, they are huge!" He said, causing laughter. "It's funny, but it's true: there has never been so much disconnect between a hungry population and these future overweight heart patients."

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Trump National Security Advisor John Bolton urged the military Wednesday to take "the right option" and to recognize Guaidó.

On January 15, the Venezuelan Parliament approved an amnesty law for civilians and army officers who do not know Maduro, after declaring "usurper" of the presidency. Later, Guaidó clarified that crimes against humanity do not prescribe.

Source: AFP


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