US speeds up evacuations in Afghanistan after Taliban warning


The United States Army has accelerated the evacuations people in Afghanistan, after the Taliban warned they would only allow the operation to continue for seven more days.

For now, the Taliban have tolerated the evacuation effort. However, on Monday they stressed that the deadline of August 31, the date on which the withdrawal of foreign troops was scheduled, is one of them ”Red line“That is, the duration cannot be extended.

“If the United States or the United Kingdom ask for more time to continue the evacuations, The answer is no. There would be consequences“Taliban spokesman Suhail Shaheen warned Sky News.

Likewise, the spokesperson explained that any military presence beyond the agreed duration would be “prolong the occupation”.

For his part, John Kirby, one of the representatives of the Pentagon, stressed that “the emphasis is on the attempt to evacuate as many people as possible At the end of the month. “

The United States Navy orders an evacuation from the airport in Kabul, Afghanistan.  AP Photo

The US Navy orders an evacuation from the airport in Kabul, Afghanistan. AP Photo

Meanwhile, European and British authorities are asking more time to complete bowel movements. British Defense Secretary Ben Wallace reiterated that the issue will be raised on Tuesday at the virtual G7 summit.

Germany also assured that it was in talks with NATO and the Taliban to keep Kabul airport open for evacuations after August 31, while France noted that “it takes extra time to finalize the operations in progress ”.

So far at least 50,000 Afghans and foreigners fled through Kabul airport, after the Taliban took power over a week ago.

In addition, crowds continue to gather outside the airfield, fearing to live under the command of the Taliban, thinking of the possibility of a repeat of the blunt interpretation of Islamic law applied when they ruled between 1996 and 2001.

“The Taliban are the same as 20 years ago,” he said. Nilofar Bayat, a women’s rights activist and former captain of the Afghan wheelchair basketball team, shortly before fleeing to Spain.

In addition, she referred to the specific discrimination against female society: “If you look at Afghanistan today, they are all men, there are no women because not accepting women as part of society“.

The Taliban are currently working in the government formationBut two sources in the movement told AFP there would be no cabinet announcement until US troops left Afghanistan.

Movement said to be different in the 1990s and even declared an amnesty for government forces and outgoing officials.

However, an intelligence assessment conducted for the United Nations (UN) indicated that activists they go from house to house looking for people who worked with the former government or with international forces.

Fundamentalists have imposed a certain calm in the capital, where they patrol the streets and they hold guard posts, while seeking to crush the outbreaks of military resistance, mainly from the former government forces, in the Panshir valley, north of the capital, considered an anti-Taliban stronghold.

The Taliban patrol the streets of Kabul, Afghanistan

The Taliban patrol the streets of Kabul, Afghanistan

In the UK, pessimism reigns

UK Defense Secretary Ben Wallace admitted he is “unlikely” that the United States extend the timeline for the departure of Allied troops from Afghanistan after the Taliban seizes power.

The scheduled date to end the evacuation of Westerners and citizens of this country is August 31. Fundamentalist leaders have warned that if that doesn’t answer “There will be consequences”.

“I think it’s unlikely. Not only from what the Taliban have said, but also from President Biden’s statements. I think it’s unlikely,” Wallace told Sky News. eve of the meeting that it will virtually hold the G7. , made up of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, United Kingdom and United States, to deal with the crisis in Afghanistan.

President Biden has made it clear in his last appearances that he intends to meet the deadline. Wallace, for his part, anticipated that the United Kingdom one last attempt to extend the withdrawal. “It is definitely worth it for all of us to give it a try,” the UK official said.

According to Wallace, the UK has evacuated 8,600 people from Afghanistan – British nationals, Afghans linked to Allied forces and citizens of other countries – in the past 15 days. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, for his part, asked for “long term” solutions.

“Our top priority is to complete the evacuation of our citizens and the Afghans who have helped us over the past two decades. However, as we consider the next phase, it is vital that we unite as an international community and come to an agreement a common strategy long term, ”Johnson said in a statement.

Spokesmen for the Taliban regime said extending the period for evacuations would provoke “a reaction” because it would mean overcoming “A red line”.

While, the tension continues to rise near the Hamid Karzai international airport in Kabul, from where the evacuations take place. On Monday, a shootout between armed individuals, Western soldiers and Afghans in the access left an Afghan soldier dead.

Monday morning’s incidents occurred near the north gate of the airport, where seven Afghan civilians were killed in a stampede by a panicked crowd on Saturday. The terminal has been transformed into a death trap for those looking to leave Afghanistan.

With information from agencies.



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