US Targeted Russia, China, Social Media For Misinformation About COVID-19 Vaccines: “They’re Killing People”


A protest against the restrictions in Kassel, Germany (Photo: AFP)
A protest against the restrictions in Kassel, Germany (Photo: AFP)

The United States accused this Friday of China Yes Russia spread misinformation on social networks about the side effects and effectiveness of vaccines created in the West to promote their own COVID-19 serums.

The spokesperson for the White House, Jen psaki, made the accusation at a press conference and said it was based on data compiled by the State Department. “We have found that Russia and China have been promoting their own vaccines through messages that undermine the origin of Western vaccines to help expand their programs.”Psaki said.

Specifically, according to the spokesperson, disinformation from Russia and China is directed against the two vaccines with preparations based on MRNA that have been approved in the United States: Pfizer and of Modern. “This kind of information amplifies potential side effects associated with western vaccines“, He said.

Joe Biden spoke about the dangers of disinformation before leaving the White House on Friday (Photo: REUTERS)
Joe Biden spoke about the dangers of disinformation before leaving the White House on Friday (Photo: REUTERS)

Moments later, as he left the White House, President Joe Biden was asked about Psaki’s remarks. “What is your message for platforms like Facebook?” Asked a journalist, to which the president replied: “They kill people. The only pandemic we currently have is the unvaccinated one. They kill people ”.

The White House believes that disinformation about vaccines, masks and measures of social distancing undermines the efforts of the authorities to coping with the pandemic and putting lives at risk.

So, on Thursday, the highest health authority in the United States, the surgeon general Vivek Murthy, warned of “urgent threat“What is the disinformation on COVID-19, at a time when cases are increasing and vaccination rates have stagnated.

Murthy’s office made his recommendations in a 22-page public health advisory. Such reports are usually reserved for specific health concerns, but the scope and scale of the misinformation is so great that Joe Biden’s government has decided to use this resource.

Psaki also asked again today Facebook and others tech giants change their algorithms to avoid disseminating false data.

A protest against vaccines and restrictions in Toronto, Canada (Photo: REUTERS)
A protest against vaccines and restrictions in Toronto, Canada (Photo: REUTERS)

COVID-19 cases in the United States increased by 11% last week and they have seen larger increases in areas of the country where immunizations do not exceed 40%, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

The average vaccination rate for those over 18 is 59.2%, while a 67.9% they’ve already received a dose, according to CDC data.

Stagnant vaccination rate in the United States prevents the spread of the coronavirus among those who do not want to be vaccinated, and that is why the North American country is becoming “a pandemic of unvaccinated people”.

This is what the director of the CDC said on Friday, Rochelle Walensky. “It turns into an unvaccinated pandemic“Walensky said at a White House press conference on the state of the pandemic.

In this sense, he said that 99% of COVID-19 deaths in the United States in recent weeks have been in unvaccinated people, according to the latest CDC figures.

(With information from EFE)

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