US to donate 2 million vaccines to Peru


Joe Biden (Photo: REUTERS / Kevin Lamarque)
Joe Biden (Photo: REUTERS / Kevin Lamarque)

The government of State United announced this Monday the shipment of two million doses of vaccines in Peru. White House press secretary Jen Psaki advanced the shipment during the daily press conference, in which she explained that the two million that will be sent to Peru are doses of the vaccine from Pfizer.

Psaki recalled that to these expeditions is added the one already announced last week of 1.5 million in Honduras.

He also pointed out that this week the White House will be able to provide more data on new vaccine shipments that will be sent to other countries. As explained to the agency EFE From White House sources, the shipment of vaccines to Peru is done directly.

Peru is the fourth country in Latin America to receive a vaccine donation in the 80 million doses promised by Biden, of which more than 20 million will go to the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean.

Brazil obtained last Friday 3 million doses of the single-dose injectable from Johnson and Johnson (Janssen), while Mexico Last week, he received 1.3 million vaccines from the same pharmaceutical company, also donated by the United States and which he uses to immunize municipalities on the common border.

The White House has pledged to donate vaccines to Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Peru, Ecuador, Paraguay, Bolivia, Uruguay, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Panama, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Haiti and other countries of the Caribbean Community (Caricom).

US announces one million Pfizer vaccine donation to Paraguay

Paraguayan President Mario Abdo Benítez and US Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland (Photo: REUTERS / Cesar Olmedo)
Paraguayan President Mario Abdo Benítez and US Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland (Photo: REUTERS / Cesar Olmedo)

The US Under Secretary of State, Victoria Nuland, announced on Monday a donation of one million Pfizer vaccines to Paraguay which should arrive in “A few weeks” in the South American country, where deaths from covid-19 stand at 12,517.

Nuland made the announcement during a press conference at the Chancellery after meeting with the Chancellor, Euclid Acevedo, which was preceded by another meeting with the country’s president, Mario Abdo Benítez, with whom he said he spoke of the high cost that the covid entailed “for the Paraguayan people”.

In this context, I am very happy to be able to announce on behalf of President Biden (Joe) and the people of North America that we will donate one million doses of Pfizer vaccine to Paraguay.“Nuland said.

He added that today the agreement of this cooperation for the transport logistics of which the two governments collaborate.

Likewise, Nuland stressed that his government is committed to ensuring that Paraguay receives the vaccine shipments from the Covax platform it has acquired, which amount to 4.3 million and of which a minimum amount has arrived.

In the same appearance, the Paraguayan Minister of Foreign Affairs thanked the donation as “A gesture of solidarity and commitment from President Biden’s government.”

Nuland’s stay in Paraguay coincides with the start of vaccination for people 50 years and older, which should complete the first stage of vaccination which includes the elderly and white staff.

The Ministry of Health organizes the vaccination campaign by age group and depending on the doses available, in large part thanks to donations from other governments.

Portfolio data shows more than 665,000 people have received at least one dose since February 2022, when the vaccination plan began in the country, of about seven million people.

Nuland, who arrived in Asunción on Sunday evening for a day-long visit, is accompanied by a delegation that includes the Acting Under Secretary of State for the US Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs, Julie General, and the Assistant Undersecretary of Defense for the Western Hemisphere, Daniel Erikson.

In addition to the pandemic, his meeting with Acevedo touched on investment and security issues.

(With information from EFE)

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US to donate 1 million doses of Pfizer vaccine to Paraguay

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