US to require negative coronavirus test to enter country by plane


As of January 26, people arriving in the United States by plane must present to enter a negative coronavirus test carried out in the three days before its flight, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said Tuesday.

“Testing does not eliminate all risk, but when combined with a period of quarantine and daily precautions like wearing a mask and social distancing, it can make travel safer,” he said. CDC Director Robert Redfield.

Even returning Americans are not exempt from taking the test.

The new rule establishes that the negative test must be obtained within three days of the flight date and present it to the airline. Those who test positive should self-isolate and delay their trip.

Another option is to have had the disease and to certify it with the airline.

Those who do not present one or the other of the documents, they can be rejected from flights.

This decision comes at a time when the United States is concerned by the new british strain several cases of which have already been found on North American soil. Those who come from this region must already test negative.

Currently, the United States maintains the entry ban for travelers from the European Union, where the second wave of coronavirus is affecting the most.

According to The Wall Street Journal, “American Airlines expressed their support to the new requirement “as a first step, although they argue that these tests” should replace travel restrictions and quarantines to reduce the spread of Covid-19 “.

Airlines have been one of the sectors hardest hit by border closures around the world and They are facing one of the toughest crises in their history.

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