US to send 60 million AstraZeneca vaccines to other countries: Latin America waits


The United States shares up to 60 million doses of coronavirus vaccine by AstraZenecaa White House official moved forward today, awaiting official confirmation in the next few hours.

The AstraZeneca vaccine has not yet been cleared by the FDA. (Food and Drug Administration) for use in the United States.

Coronavirus: the Astrazeneca vaccine

But once it passes federal security exams, it will be shipped to other countries. and for today the announcement of the White House is expected, assured the Washington Post.

In early April, Mexico received a second batch of AstraZeneca vaccine from the United States, reaching 2.7 million units sold under an agreement between the two countries. Now, other Latin American countries hope to be among the beneficiaries.

In the consensus that global vaccination is essential to overcome this pandemic, China and Russia are ahead of the United States in supplying their Covid-19 vaccines – such as Sinopharm and Sputnik V – to third countries.

Meanwhile, the The European Union sued the Anglo-Swedish pharmacist because if he had promised the initial distribution of 300 million doses between the 27 member countries of the European Community, with an option for an additional 100 million, so far only 30 million have been delivered, in the first quarter of 2021


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