US: Trump would leave White House if Biden’s victory is confirmed


The President of the United States, Donald Trump, He admitted on Thursday November 26 that he would leave the White House if Democratic candidate Joe Biden was officially confirmed the winner of the presidential elections which took place on November 3.

However, although he gave the green light to begin the power transition, he reiterated that will not admit defeat until it happens.

In recent weeks, and after learning about the election results, the New York tycoon chose to direct all his efforts by questioning the victory of his rival. Through numerous lawsuits, Trump has attempted to delegitimize the coming to power of the Biden administration.

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After constant accusations received from the leader of the Republican Party, the Pennsylvania state politician said he did not support any attempt to ignore the poll verdict.

In a meeting with disputed reporters inside the Oval Office, Trump was asked about your stay at the White House. Having raised the issue, Trump responded that if the Democratic Party representative’s victory is confirmed through the Electoral College, should leave her.

Donald Trump Transcript 2
Current President Donald Trump at a conference on Thanksgiving Day.

Then the president assured that “If they did, they would be making a mistake”, stressing that “It will be very difficult to concede the victory to Biden”. Returning to his attacking strategy, he again insisted that his 78-year-old opponent’s triumph was the product of “Massive fraud”.

However, he did not just limit himself to blaming the Democratic Party for what happened. As well describes the American electoral system as that of a “third world country” which, for him, is sufficient proof that this choice was “100% rigged”.

Supporters of the 74-year-old president suggest he is already considering announce your candidacy for the presidency for 2024.

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