US, UK, Canada, France, Italy, Germany and Japan prepare joint mechanism to counter Russia’s disinformation campaigns


British Prime Minister Boris Johnson on a G-7 conference call (Reuters)
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson on a G-7 conference call (Reuters)

The Group of the Seven Richest Countries in the World will analyze a proposal to a rapid response mechanism aimed at countering Russian “propaganda” and disinformation, said to Reuters British Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab.

Speaking ahead of a meeting of G-7 foreign ministers in London, the first such face-to-face meeting in two years, Raab said the UK “is making the G-7 partner with a rapid rebuttal mechanism” to counter Russian disinformation.

“So that When we see these lies and propaganda or fake news spreading, we can, not only individually, but come together to provide a rebuttal and provide the truth, for the people of this country, but also in Russia or China or all over the world. world Said Raab.

Russia and China are trying to sow mistrust in the West, either by spreading disinformation during elections or by spreading lies about COVID-19 vaccines, according to British, American and European security officials.

Russia denies interfering beyond its borders and claims that the West is in the grip of anti-Russian sentiment. China claims Western leaders have a post-imperial mindset that makes them feel like they can act as global policemen.

Vladimir Poutine
Vladimir Poutine

London has identified Russia as the greatest threat to its security, even though it views China as its greatest long-term challenge, militarily, economically and technologically..

Raab will meet with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Monday, launching a a week of diplomacy aimed at revitalizing the role of the G-7 and form a broader front against those he believes undermine the rules-based international order.

“The possibilities for intense global cooperation, international cooperation with our American partners and the broader G-7, which we are convening this week have never been greater,” said Raab.

He stressed that meeting in person, which is only possible through measures such as daily participant testing, would make diplomacy much easier.

The members of the G-7 are the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, France, Germany, Italy and Japan and their combined gross domestic product is around $ 40 trillion, or a just under half of the global economy.

(With information from Reuters)


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