USA: 26 years later, a femicide was solved in Alaska by a DNA test


Thanks to technological advances not available in 1993, Unresolved unit members returned to review the elements of Sergie's case..

The young woman had gone to university and had been seen for the last time when she was going out to smoke a cigarette. They even suggested smoking near the ventilation of the bathroom to avoid the cold. The next morning, they found her dead, with signs of badual abuse, stabbed and wounded in the head.

Sophie's family

Sophie's family

After the outcome of another case known as the Golden State's murderer, the DNA traces that they had since Sergie's murder were sent to a company to put in point a genetic genealogy test. A male DNA was found and the tracking helped to identify a woman, who turned out to be the aunt of a former student by the name of Steven Downs.

The man had been questioned at the time of the crime but he always denied having details. However, a companion explained that he had a weapon of the caliber of murder.

Downs, now 44, was 18 years old at the time, was arrested in Maine and charged with badual badault and murder.


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