USA: decision in favor of a university that will force its students to be vaccinated against COVID-19


A sign directs healthcare workers to a trial for the administration of the coronavirus vaccine at Indiana University Health in Indianapolis (Photo: REUTERS)
A sign directs healthcare workers to a trial for the administration of the coronavirus vaccine at Indiana University Health in Indianapolis (Photo: REUTERS)

A federal judge ruled on Monday that Indiana University may require its students to be vaccinated against COVID-19 in order to attend face-to-face classes, in what would be the first such decision in the United States.

A group of eight students, represented by the same lawyer, argued that the obligation to be vaccinated violated their right to physical integrity and independence. In addition, he argued that coronavirus vaccines are only authorized for emergency use by the Food and Drug Administration and should not be considered part of the common vaccination plan requested by the centers. educational, he reported. The New York Times.

“What we have here is that the government is forcing them to do something they strongly oppose and that his body be invaded in the process, ”said attorney James Bopp Jr.

The lawyer, who advocates for conservative causes, revealed that his fees will be paid by Frontline Doctors., an organization that manages an active agenda anti-vaccines in social networks and other media.

In May, the university announced teachers, to staff administrative already pupils who must be vaccinated against COVID-19 before starting the new course cycle in September. In June, Bopp filed a complaint.

A young woman gets vaccinated (Photo: EFE)
A young woman is vaccinated (Photo: EFE)

The university, to uphold the mandate to be vaccinated, said that students who did not receive the dose would be unsubscribed and banned from campus.

However, there are exceptions to this requirement: those with some type of allergy or other type of medical impediment, due to religious objections or those who wish to attend virtually.

On Monday, Federal Judge Damon R. Leichty said that while acknowledging that The students can refuse the mandate to be vaccinated required by the university, this right is contrary to the general interest of the State to preserve the health of the people..

“The 14th Amendment allows Indiana University to pursue a reasonable process Yes of vaccination in the legitimate interest of public health for its students, professors and staff, ”he said in his decision, also noting that the academic institution had made exceptions for students who opposed it.

In the United States, universities have presented different strategies to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic. Among these, it is requested that their students be vaccinated so that they can attend face-to-face classes and move freely around the campus.

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