USA denounced the harassment of a military aircraft from Venezuela


The incident occurred in the Caribbean Sea.

The US Southern Command reported that a Venezuelan military aircraft was flying aggressively near an American intelligence aircraft in the international airspace of the Caribbean Sea. According to the agency, the US aircraft "was carrying out a recognized and approved mission in the international airspace" when the Russian-made Venezuelan aircraft, the Venezuelan SU-30 Flanker, "was following aggressively "the US EP-3, thus putting the crew at risk and the aircraft.

Venezuelan Defense Minister Vladimir Padrino López denounced the fact that the US ship violated Venezuelan airspace and endangered commercial flights taking off from Venezuela's main airport. He also defended the decision of the Venezuelan authorities to escort the American ship to the periphery of the country. perimeter. "The FANB firmly rejects this type of provocation by the United States of America and will be vigilant to continue to ensure the tranquility of the Venezuelan people," the Venezuelan minister said in a statement.

Southern Command has accused Russia of providing military support to the country. "This shows Russia's irresponsible military support for Maduro's illegitimate regime and points to Maduro's lack of caution and irresponsible behavior."


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