USA does not fly to Venezuela | Suspended service …


The United States suspended all flights to and from Venezuela yesterday. The decision was communicated by Acting Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, Kevin McAleenan, who said the measure responds to situations that threaten the safety of travelers, aircraft and crews.

"This determination is based on current political instability and increased tensions in Venezuela and the unintended risk badociated with air operations," said McAleenan. He further explained that the suspension of flights would remain in effect indefinitely and indicated that the State, Transport and National Security departments would continue to monitor the situation in the Caribbean country and that, where appropriate, United States would reconsider the measure.

The Ministry of Transport also submitted its own statement. "Today (yesterday), we issued an order to suspend any air service between the United States and Venezuela," said ministry official Elaine L. Chao. The Department Director explained that local legislation allows for the suspension of foreign and US airline services between the United States and a foreign country, provided that certain conditions at airports threaten the safety of pbadengers, aircraft or crews .

According to the Ministry of Transport, this measure is in addition to the May 1 notification issued by the Federal Aviation Administration, which prohibited US-registered aircraft operators and pilots from flying over Venezuelan territory at all. less than 8000 meters. This notification also responded to security reasons.

By the end of March, the American company American Airlines had announced the indefinite suspension of its flights to Venezuela. The company based in Fort Worth, Texas, flown from Miami to Caracas and to Maracaibo City. American is also the only one to have booked flights to Venezuela from Miami, after United Airlines and Delta suspended service in 2017.

The United States and the Caribbean country suspended diplomatic relations after the Trump administration recognized opposition leader Juan Guaidó, interim president of Venezuela.


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