USA evacuates the Venezuelan embassy in Washington and Chavismo announces retaliation – Telam


Jorge Arreaza

Jorge Arreaza

US authorities have arrested the last four members of the group of Chavez activists who had taken the Venezuelan embbady in Washington and the Nicolás Maduro government warned that it was studying the "answers" in the context of the "principle of reciprocity ".

Chavez militants had taken the embbady a few weeks earlier to prevent the entry of representatives appointed by the interim president, Juan Guaidó, after the withdrawal of diplomats appointed by Chavismo after the breakdown of relations between the two countries .

"Four people have been arrested inside, but I can not confirm if it was secret service, it's a violation of the Vienna Convention," Ariel said. Gold, director of NGO Code Pink, who organized the seizure of the embbady.

At the same time, Venezuelan Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza warned that his government "reserves and evaluates responses under international law, protected by the recognized principle of reciprocity".


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