USA He says that he did not intend to invade Venezuela, but he does not exclude it either – 07/05/2018


The United States denied Thursday that the government of President Donald Trump reached the point last year to plan an invasion of Venezuela but acknowledged that the military option remains on the table as one of the many possible tools "help the Venezuelan people" to "recover democracy".

"An invasion was not planned," said a spokesman for the National Security Council of the White House (NSC), the body responsible for centralizing foreign, military and security policy. Washington intelligence

The source however pointed out that the United States will continue to consider "All options who offer to him ", including the military " to help the people of Venezuela to recover democracy, stability and prosperity. "

The spokesman, who asked for anonymity, reacted to press releases released Wednesday that Trump raised some of his top advisers last August to invade Venezuela.

The source confirmed that Trump requested the military path, but said that what he wanted was to "ask for options" from his team to have a range of choices before the "humanitarian catastrophe that was taking place in Venezuela. "

"He questioned himself about the military option, about humanitarian aid, about sanctions, about international cooperation against the regime of (Venezuelan president, Nicolás) Maduro. "It was an (option) in a series of different things," he said.

The official did not specify when there were serious discussions about the possibility of an invasion.

The important thing, he insisted. military actions "for the moment in Venezuela, although" will continue to consider all the options "because no US government would reject them in a situation like that of the Caribbean country.The spokesperson described some media reports on the subject of "sensationalists", because they arrive "several months later" from the episode and "they focus only on one of the options" that the US have considered, without paying attention to their Acting in practice

"President Trump motivated the international community to work together to put pressure on the Maduro dictatorship in order to change his autocratic behavior", Spokesperson said

.The source pointed to the international sanctions imposed on the Maduro executive and the $ 30 million humanitarian aid that the United States granted to refugees. nézuéliens in the region.

In response to information released Wednesday, the Speaker of the National Assembly Constituent Assembly (ANC), Diosdado Cabello, said that she would request an investigation into the states' intent -United. to intervene militarily in Venezuela.

"This case that I will bring tomorrow to the ANC so that an investigation can be opened," said the deputy during his weekly broadcast, broadcast through the public company Venezolana de Televisión. Cabello has not ruled out the possibility that the National Constituent Assembly adopts laws that sanction treason. Similarly, he badured that the government led by Nicolás Maduro will leave power only by electoral means and not by illegality.

In recent months, the White House has applied many sanctions against Venezuelan officials and companies and even advocated a resolution to initiate the process of suspending Venezuela from the Organization of American States.

Source: EFE, Xinhua and AP

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