USA is "the envy of the world" and other keys of Trump's speech to Congress


The President of the United States, Donald Trump, said Tuesday during his second speech on the state of the Union that the US economy is "the envy of the world" and said the only thing that could stop "our solid economy are political or ridiculous investigations ". "After 24 months of rapidly advancing our economy is the envy of the world, our military is by far the most powerful in the world," Trump said during his speech.

Before a majority Democratic Congress, the Republican President stressed that under his government, unemployment has reached the lowest rates recorded by the country in half a century and that the US economy is growing "twice as fast if we compare it to my arrival". In addition, Trump pointed out that companies were returning to the United States. "Thanks to the reduction of taxes and regulations". He said the country is "the world's largest producer of oil and natural gas".

In his speech, he also called a new era of union and cooperation to break the "decades" of political stalemate. "We must reject the policy of revenge, resistance and retaliation, and embrace the unlimited potential of cooperation, commitment and the common good, "he said. Together we can break decades of political stalemate. We can overcome old divisions, heal old wounds, form new coalitions, find new solutions and offer an extraordinary promise for the future of the United States. The decision belongs to us, "he said.

This remark comes after the partial closure of the federal government in the absence of a budget agreement because of the insistence of the President on the financing of a wall at the border with Mexico, this that the democratic opposition squarely rejects. The president also criticized the investigation (usually referred to as "witch hunt") conducted by the special prosecutor Robert Mueller at the Russian intervention in the 2016 election campaign for Trump.

Keys of speech

The border and illegal migration

Trump pointed out that the illegal immigration It is an urgent national crisis and once again, she promised to build a wall on the southern border of the country: "I'm going to build the wall, it's not just a wall concrete, this will be done in areas where needs are greater, "he said. the president, who added that "where walls are high, illegal crossings go down".

The President said that Border security is a "moral problem" and that his administration sent Congress a "common sense" proposal to end the crisis on the southern border. "This includes humanitarian aid, more law enforcement, drug detection in our ports and plans for a new physical barrier," he said.

Trump also informed legislators that will send 3,750 more troops on the southern border of the country to prepare for the arrival of "illegal migrant caravans". He says that with the arrival of illegal immigrants, jobs are fewer, that schools and hospitals are saturated and that crime is increasing in the country.

Trump also said that the middle clbad American workers were undergoing the "mbadive" arrival of illegal immigrants. "Year after year, thousands of Americans are killed by underground aliens, no one should suffer from the suffering suffered," the tycoon added.

Relations with North Korea

Trump confirmed that he would meet North Korean leader Kim Jong Un from February 27-28 in Vietnam, saying there was "a lot of work to be done". However, he insisted that he had good relations with the North Korean leader, with whom he had his first meeting on June 12 in Singapore. "If he was not elected president, we would be at war with North Korea," he said.

The trade war with China

The tough trade talks between Washington and Beijing will put an end to China's alleged "theft" of jobs and wealth, said Trump. "We are now showing clearly to China, after years of harbading our industries and stealing our intellectual property, that the theft of jobs and American wealth have come to an end," he said.

Russian interference

The president criticized the "ridiculous partisan inquiries", in direct reference to the investigation into the Russian conspiracy that overshadows his mandate. "An economic miracle is happening in the US, and the only thing that can stop this is stupid wars, politics or ridiculous partisan investigations," Trump said. "There must be peace and legislation, there can be no war and no investigation, it just does not work that way!"

Fight against HIV

Donald Trump told Congress that he wanted to put an end to the AIDS epidemic in the US by 10 years: "My budget will require Democrats and Republicans to allocate the the resources needed to eliminate the HIV epidemic in the United States in 10 years together we will overcome AIDS in America and beyond, "he said.



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