USA: Killed her daughter, dumped her body in a swamp, then used a doll to pretend she was still alive


Tiaundra Christon and her daughter Hazana.  (Photo: gentileza Kiro7).

Tiaundra Christon and her daughter Hazana. (Photo: gentileza Kiro7).

A Texas woman was sentenced Monday to 20 years in prison for throwing her two-year-old daughter’s body in a swamp and then using a huge doll in her clothes to make it look like she was alive.

According to the local channel Kiro7, Tiaundra Christon, 23, was convicted of tampering with evidence and handling a corpse human and received the maximum sentence for the crime committed in 2018. Her boyfriend Kenny Hewett received the same conviction last year for the death of little Hazana Anderson, of two years.

Halloween macabre find and a doll in a stroller

The baby’s body was found on October 31, 2018, on Halloween, on Moses Lake, near Texas City. It was wrapped in a plastic bag, in turn tied to a rock with a rope. The baby had already been dead for about 12 days.

Christon had claimed his daughter disappeared from her stroller in a Houston park on October 28, prompting a full-scale search operation.

Detectives detected inconsistencies in her story and they began to suspect her. Soon a policeman discovered a huge doll dressed in Hazana’s clothes in a black bag in a trash can.

The clothes matched the woman’s description of what her daughter was wearing at the time of her alleged disappearance.

Christon reported his daughter missing on October 28, about 10 days after her death.  (Photo: courtesy The Eagle).
Christon reported his daughter missing on October 28, about 10 days after her death. (Photo: courtesy The Eagle).

Cornered, Christon finally confessed that the little girl had died a few days before that she had reported her missing and had the doll walked in a stroller through the streets of Houston to pretend she was still alive. According to security camera footage, he even went to a supermarket with the doll.

Investigators then managed to piece together Hazana’s tragic last days. Christon had traveled with the little girl to Houston to visit her boyfriend, and all three had stayed at the Downtowner Inns & Suites.

According to the woman’s statement, October 19 Hewett went out with the baby to look for food and when they came back 30 minutes later, Hazana was crying and the man started to beat her violently with a belt over her arms, legs and face.

Christon said that Hewett ordered her to beat the girl too to “discipline” her, and she obeyed. Hewett then grabbed the belt again and hit him until I lose consciousness.

Kenny Hewett was also sentenced to 20 years in prison for the baby's death.  (Photo: courtesy Kiro7).
Kenny Hewett was also sentenced to 20 years in prison for the baby’s death. (Photo: courtesy Kiro7).

Christon said they put the little girl in the tub and sprayed her with cold water to “revive” her, but after a while he no longer felt his pulse. When he lifted her out of the water, he saw evidence that his daughter she had also been sexually assaulted.

Then they wanted to warm the girl with the help of a hairdryer, but they only managed to burn her skin. Then they left her for dead.

Along with her boyfriend, the woman placed her daughter’s body in a consortium bag and left her in the back of the car for three days. Finally, on October 23, the body was disposed of at Moses Lake.

Galveston District Attorney General Justine Tan explained that authorities do not could accuse Christon and Hewett of murder, despite Christon’s confession about Hazana’s death because the medical examiner “could not determine cause of death or the moment of the girl’s death ”.


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