USA looks forward to Macri's labor and pension reform


President Mauricio Macri has today received the Secretary of Commerce of the United States, Wilbur Ross, who He asked about the labor market and pension reforms that Brazil has implemented but that Argentina has not yet made.

As part of a tour that he performs in the region, Ross visited the president at Quinta de Olivos. He was interested in the approval by the Argentine Congress of the reform of work and pensionsthat the IMF has suggested and that domestic and foreign businessmen claim to be transcended.

They attended the meeting held in the meeting room of the headquarters building of the Fifth Presidency, the Minister of Production and Labor, Dante Sica; the Secretary of Strategic Affairs, and Fulvio PompeoAgribusiness, Luis Etchevehere.

For his part, Donald Trump's trade secretary was accompanied by his country's ambbadador, Edward Prado; Chief of Staff of the Department of Commerce, Michael Walsh; James Rockas, Deputy Director of Policy and Strategic Planning, and Rick de Lambert, Regional Trade Advisor for the Embbady of Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay to Uruguay.

So far, government officials have denied that reforming labor and pensions policy is a priority for Macri's next leadership. In truth, until we know whether the current government will eventually be re-elected, these initiatives will remain uncertain.


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