USA: mother forced daughter to stand three days in a row and killed her


Malikah Bennett accused of killing her daughter and burying her body in the backyard of her home
Malikah Bennett accused of killing her daughter and burying her body in the backyard of her home

Mother in US accused of killing daughter apparently using cruel method of punishment: Forcing her to stand for three days in a row until she dies.

The woman, Malikah Bennett, lives in Charlotte, North Carolina, and She was arrested by authorities after an inspection of her home where the decomposed remains of the four-year-old girl were found buried in the backyard.

The authorities came to search the house after the advice of a social worker concerned about the fate Young Majelic, the little girl who was among his work suitcases and whom he had not seen for several months.

In an arrest warrant for the mother obtained by the chain WSOC-TV, the authorities indicate that the girl died in August 2020, months before the police found his body in mayo of this year.

For the authorities, it is clear that Malikah, mother of Majelic, not only did he kill the miner but also covered his death by burying him in the garden. The arrest warrant also includes testimony from Majelic’s older sister, who described the last day of the girl’s life.

The 13-year-old told detectives that her 4-year-old sister was punished for getting dirty. According to her, Majelic was forced to stand in the laundry room as punishment.

He stayed there for three days, without the right to sit or leave, until he collapsed and banged his head hard on the ground. Bennett tried to give her CPR, but the girl died.

Little Majelic Young died after hitting his head after collapsing after standing for three days as punishment
Little Majelic Young died after hitting his head after collapsing after standing for three days as punishment

Bennett allegedly washed Majelic’s body and placed it in two garbage bags. The remains remained in a van for a few days before finally being buried in the backyard, according to the order.

“I have worked in the homicide field for most of the past 10 years and I can tell you this case is deeply troubling.” Charlotte-Mecklenburg Lt. Bryan Crum told reporters at a press conference earlier this year.

“It’s disturbing for everyone who worked there. Crime scene investigators, detectives, everyone involved in this case; many of us are parents and it is very difficult to understand how someone could do that to their son, kill their son, bury him and go on with his life as if nothing had happened “added.

Bennett has been charged with child abuse and first degree murder. She is being held without bail and has not yet pleaded guilty. Court records do not reflect an attorney authorized to speak on your behalf.


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