USA posted a video on the tanker attack


Trump has ratified that they were the Iranian forces.

Iran The Central Command of the United States Armed Forces has released a video in which it shows Iranian forces removing an unexploded mine from one of two ships suspected of being attacked near the Straits of the United States. ; Hormuz. US President Donald Trump has ratified the accusation against the Persian country.

Captain Bill Urban, spokesman for the Central Command, said a Revolutionary Guard boat had removed the Kokuka Courageous mine and said the attacks "pose a clear threat to international freedom of navigation. and freedom of commerce ". In a statement, he added: "The United States has no interest in participating in a new conflict in the Middle East, but we will defend our interests." The brave tankers of the Altair Front and Kokuka sailed off. Iranian shores while they were to be evacuated after being burned as a result of an attack of undetermined origin.

Trump, who ruled out a possible closure of the strait, confirmed: "It was Iran, it's filmed."

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