USA urges allies to leave nuclear pact with Iran | Chronic


The United States accused the United Kingdom, France and Germany of attempting to violate US sanctions against Iran and called on European countries to emulate their example and to give up the fight against Iran. nuclear agreement signed with the Islamic Republic in 2015.

Mike Pence, US Vice President, delivered a speech to representatives of 60 countries at a conference on the Middle East in Warsaw, where he warned that "Iran is the"real threat to peace"in this region.

France and Germany, which together with the United States, the United Kingdom, China and Russia, have sealed the 2015 nuclear agreement with Iran, have not not sent representatives to the conference, unlike the European Union, preferring not to attend an anti Iranian early meeting While the President of the United States, Donald Trump, ordered the departure of the pact, London, Paris and Berlin, along with the rest of the EU, are convinced that this agreement is the best way to prevent Iran from develop nuclear weapons.

US Vice President Mike Pence urged European countries to withdraw from the nuclear deal with Iran

At the end of the conference, the US Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, He said that it is "impossible to achieve peace and stability"without facing Tehran". Similarly, the Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, stated that " Iran and the Iranian regime pose the greatest threat to peace and security in the Middle East", something in which, he said, several Arab countries are in agreement.

The conference also includes Trump's counselor and son-in-law, Jared Kushner, whose peace plan for Israel and Palestine has already been approved by the White House. Besides Iran, the Palestinian Authority, Turkey, Lebanon and Russia, as well as China, which has not been invited, do not participate in the conference, reported the United States. EFE news agency.

The Organization for the Liberation of Palestine (PLO) has declared that the conference "does not meet the requirement of a serious diplomacy"For the member of the Executive Committee of the PLO, Hanan Ashrawi, the encounter "embodies the irresponsible power politics that the current US administration is trying to impose on the international community"

Pence stressed the importance of this "historic" Warsaw summit

"Instead of leading a constructive and responsible global engagement based on international law and equality, this administration prefers the dynamics of unilateralism, coercion and hostility that will consolidate conflicts rather than to solve themAshrawi said in a statement.

Several of the countries that did not attend the Warsaw summit, including Turkey, Russia and Iran, will meet tomorrow in Sochi, Russia, where a new trilateral summit on the Syrian conflict begins.

We expect the Turkish President, Recep Tayyip Erdoganwith the Russian president, Vladimir Poutineand the IranianHasan Rohani Discuss the withdrawal of US troops from Syria and the northern territories that control the Kurdish militias. People's Protection Units (YPG).


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