USA will abandon the pact that prevents it from deploying nuclear weapons in Europe


The United States announced this Friday that in six months will withdraw from the Treaty of Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces (INF) with Russiaunless Moscow puts an end to what Washington sees as violations of the 1987 arms control pact.

The United States will reconsider its withdrawal if RussiaWhat? denies having violated the treaty, is consistent with the agreement that banned for both countries to deploy short and medium range land-based missiles in Europe.

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo told reporters that The United States will cease to comply with the treaty from Saturdaywhen he will officially inform Moscow of his intention to withdraw.

The announcement was interpreted as pressure for Russia to reach an agreement in the next six months, but also triggered the fear of a new nuclear arms race between the United States and Russia in Europe, as well as one between Washington and China in Asia.

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The president of the United States, Donald TrumpHe reiterated that Russia had violated the INF Treaty, which limited only the arsenals of Washington and Moscow, and offered the possibility of negotiate a broader agreementpossibly with other countries.

"I hope we can all be in a big and beautiful room and make a new treaty do a lot better, "Trump told reporters.

Russian officials have accused the United States of inventing a pretext for evading a treaty anyway wants to start developing new missiles.

The United States ensures that a new Russian cruise missile violates the pact. The missile, Novator 9M729, is known as SSC-8 by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).

Source: Reuters


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