USA will retaliate if there is violence against anti-Chavists or Americans – Telam


The United States warned on Sunday that they would give a "significant response" if they perceived "acts of violence and intimidation" against anti-Chavez or the United States. American officials in Venezuela, and have accepted the appointment of a Venezuelan sales manager by the acting president appointed by the parliament, Juan Guaidó.

"Any violence and intimidation against American diplomatic personnel, Venezuela's democratic leader, Juan Guaidó, or the National Assembly would seriously undermine the rule of law and would be followed by a meaningful response," the US adviser said. National Security, John Bolton, on Twitter.

Last Wednesday, Washington recognized Guaidó as interim president of Venezuela appointed by the National Assembly (NA, Parliament).

The President of the United States, Donald Trump, then warned that "all options are on the table" to apply in the event that President Nicolás Maduro does not agree to hand the government of Venezuela to Guaidó.


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