Users affected by the outage will be compensated and ENRE will set the amounts in 45 days – Telam


Users of the electricity service in Argentina will be compensated for the outage on June 16, which left the entire country without electricity, and the National Electricity Regulatory Entity (ENRE) will define in 45 days the amounts and how they will be paid.

Telam told sources from the Ministry of Energy and ENRE that "the amounts of compensation will come after an badysis by the controller, for which it has a duration of 45 to 60 days, "adding that the compensation will be the same for all victims without distinction of hours left without service.

As of February 2019, the national electricity sector had 14.8 million meter – equipped users (which allows to estimate that a population of 44.2 million. residents is served) that make up the universe of victims. must reach with the compensations.

At the same time, the sources said that "these compensations will be financed by the amount of the fines that will be applied to those responsible for the breakdown, after the determination of the ENRE", from the technical reports on the events of 16 December in the morning. June


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