Uzbekistan reports downing Afghan plane – News


The Afghan Air Force plane that crashed Sunday evening in a border area between Uzbekistan and Afghanistan was shot down by the country’s air defense, a spokesperson for the ministry said. defense.

“On August 15, the anti-aircraft defense forces of the Uzbek Air Force prevented an attempted violation of the country’s airspace by an Afghan military aircraft in the Sherabad district of the Surján-Dariá region” , said the representative.

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Two pilots of the plane were seriously injured and were hospitalized, according to the spokesperson. Details of the status of other people potentially on board are still unknown.

The incident took place in a border area and no image of the wrecked ship was circulating at 1 p.m. GMT.

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Al Jazeera informó el domingo that el ya ex presidente afgano Ashraf Ghani, su esposa, su jefe de personal y su asesor de seguridad nacional había volado hasta the capital of Uzbekistán, Tashkent, tras abandonar Afganistán luego que el grupo talibán declarara que habían tomado el control del Country.


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