Vaccination from 30 to 39 years old at Edomex: places and conditions to receive the first dose


Coronavirus vaccination for people aged 30 to 39 will continue in the state of Mexico (Photo: Reuters / Jose Luis Gonzalez / File Photo)
Coronavirus vaccination for people aged 30 to 39 will continue in the state of Mexico (Photo: Reuters / Jose Luis Gonzalez / File Photo)

This July 19 vaccination continues for people aged 30 to 39 in the state of Mexico. According to the government of the entity, the antigen to prevent serious illnesses of COVID-19 will be applied for the first time in the municipalities of Tlalnepantla de Baz, Atizapán de Zaragoza and Coacalco de Berriozábal y Chalco.

Likewise, pregnant women residing in the entity and cumulating nine weeks or more of gestation will be immunized.

Vaccination sites will offer services from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Algarve Theater (pedestrian): Avenida Presidente Juárez, no number, Centro.

Costco parking (vehicle): Calle San Nicolás 10, Industrial San Nicolás.

Deportivo Santa Cecilia (pedestrian): Calle Amantes 126, Habitacional San Rafael.

Hidalgo Park (pedestrian): Aquiles Serdán, San Juan Ixhuatepec.

COVID-19 vaccination strategy for people aged 30 to 39 in Edomex (Photo: Twitter @ alfredodelmazo)
COVID-19 vaccination strategy for people aged 30 to 39 in Edomex (Photo: Twitter @ alfredodelmazo)

DIF Lomas Atizapán (pedestrian): Boulevard Cto. Adolfo Ruiz Cortines without number, Lomas de Atizapán.

Atizapan Galleries (vehicle): Av. Adolfo Ruiz 255, Las Margaritas.

Deportivo Ana Gabriela Guevara (pedestrian): C. Hogar del Gozo 1, Hogares de Atizapán.

Zaragoza Theater (pearonal): Calzada San Mateo without number, San Juan Bosco 1.

UMAA 198 IMSS Coacalco Family Medicine Unit (pedestrian): Calle Miguel Flores no number, col. San Rafael Coacalco.

Municipal square (pedestrian): Calle Severiano Reyes without number, col. Center.

COVID-19 vaccination strategy for people aged 30 to 39 in Edomex (Photo: Twitter @ alfredodelmazo)
COVID-19 vaccination strategy for people aged 30 to 39 in Edomex (Photo: Twitter @ alfredodelmazo)

Sports solidarity (pedestrian): Casco de San Juan.

New municipal market Tzinancantecutli (vehicle): Calle Vicente Guerrero without number, Casco de San Juan.

In addition, from July 19 to 23, the second dose of the coronavirus vaccine will be applied to adults aged 50 to 59 in Nezahualcóyotl. The opening hours are 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

The requirements to be vaccinated against the coronavirus are: official identity document with age and residence in the municipality, CURP, proof of address, printed document from the register on the page

The state of Mexico is the second entity with the most active coronavirus cases in the country (Photo: EFE / Joebeth Terriquez)
The state of Mexico is the second entity with the most active coronavirus cases in the country (Photo: EFE / Joebeth Terriquez)

In view of the increase in coronavirus cases recorded in recent weeks, the government of the State of Mexico has reported that the entity will relocate to yellow traffic light (low risk of contagion) of COVID-19 as of Monday, July 19. This was announced by the governor Alfredo del Mazo, who also called on the population to strengthen prevention measures and not to let their guard down.

“Next Monday, #Edomex is heading towards a yellow light. We must strengthen preventive measures, do not let our guard down. #CuidemosAllOfAll ”

On a national level, Health Secretary (SSa) announced to haveand 2,659,137 confirmed cases and 236,331 deaths from SARS-CoV-2 infection until Sunday July 18. In addition to this, there were 452,132 suspected infections, 4,838,961 negative, 85,512 estimated to be active and 7,950,230 people studied since the onset of viral transmission in the country.

It should be noted that the The State of Mexico is the second entity with the most active coronavirus cases, with 7,491 people reported in the last 14 days. However, the first place is occupied by Mexico (28 766).

“Mexico City, the State of Mexico, Sinaloa, Jalisco, Nuevo León, Veracruz and Quintana Roo are the entities with the highest number of active cases (more than 3,000 cases), followed by Tabasco, Baja California Sur, Guerrero Yucatán, Sonora, Tamaulipas, Oaxaca, Guanajuato, Nayarit and Hidalgo, concentrating 90% of active cases in the country, ”reported the health agency.


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