Vaccination is key in the fight against measles


The decision is not exaggerated, since since the year 2000 there were no indigenous cases registered in the country, so it is important that the whole community join the prevention campaigns where vaccination plays a key role in preventing reintroduction of the virus in the country.

It should be known that in Argentina, the coverage rate of triple viral vaccine is 90%, while it should ideally be 95%. In other words, the country is still five points below the level of vaccination considered acceptable for the barrier against the virus to be more effective.

Health authorities have recalled that measles is a "highly contagious and potentially serious" viral disease, which spreads easily when the infected person clears the respiratory secretions when she is talking, coughing or sneezing or when she is not. it is in contact with a contaminated object.In addition, it should be noted that the most affected population is the youngest, that is why the focus is on the need for children to receive a dose measles vaccine this year and, in this sense, it applies to children from one to five years from October 1.

As has been said, it is a disease Very contagious, to the point that health statistics indicate that nine out of ten people are not contagious, the vaccinated people get sick if they have contact with the virus, and on the other hand, the situation that they live – from an epidemiological point of view – confirms the need to maintain alert in some countries of the region, as 350 cases in northern Brazil and more than 1400 in Venezuela

. It is thought that the high number detected in Venezuelan patients is due, to a large extent, to the country's shortage of vaccines. With regard to the occurrence of cases in Argentina, one of the hypotheses retained is that the children concerned would have had contact with other children or adult tourists or Argentineans who contracted the disease.

In this sense, the case is cited as an example of an eight-month-old baby who was diagnosed with the disease and who would have contracted it when he was in a clinic. the city of Buenos Aires where an unvaccinated 21-year-old man who had contracted the virus during a trip was hospitalized C & # 39; is why it is important that parents ensure that their children have the schedule vaccines up to date , knowing that from 12 months to four years, they must register a dose of triple viral vaccine, while more than five years must accredit two doses.

It should also be remembered that the first symptoms of a patient who has contracted the disease are high fever, runny nose, conjunctivitis and cough. Then there may appear small white spots on the inner side of the cheek, and a rash on the face and neck that extends to the rest of the body.

In case of doubt and before the appearance of the first symptoms, the consultation must be made. to the doctor and if the disease is confirmed, the patient must remain isolated, at rest and under medical supervision. As indicated, to prevent the virus and its reintroduction in the country, it is necessary that the population become aware of the importance of vaccination in the fight against this disease.

There is ample evidence that triple-viral SRP is effective in preventing measles contagion. Families should also know that this vaccine is mandatory and that it should be applied to children who reach the year of life by strengthening school income, as established in the national immunization schedule.

Health authorities noted that children 12 months to 4 years of age, a dose of Triple Viral SRP (measles-mumps-rubella) must be registered, while subjects over the age of five, including adults, should receive two doses of Double Viral SP or Triple Viral SRP vaccine after the first year of life. On the other hand, it should be noted that people born before 1965 do not need to be vaccinated because they are considered protected because they have been in contact with the virus

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