Vaccine man killed his son and committed suicide because he was ordered to immunize him


A anti-vaccine man killed his son and after committed suicide because they ordered that the least of 9 years I had to get vaccinated against the coronavirus. The father was in a legal battle with his ex-wife for custody of the child.

The tragic event occurred in the city of San Francisco in California, United States, when police found the body of the man identified as Stephen o’loughlin, 49, with her son Pierce, recorded the Daily mail.

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The man was found with a gunshot wound and next to him was his son Pierce. The father disputed the custody of the minor against his ex-wife and the child’s mother, Lesley Hu. The woman had requested guardianship because O’Loughlin was anti-vaccination and put the child’s life in danger.

After being denounced for this reason, the father finally agreed to allow the minor to receive the coronavirus vaccine. However, one day after signing the consent, she made the drastic decision to assassinate him and then committed suicide.

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O’Loughlin worked as vice chairman of a investment firm and has been described with psychiatric illnesses. According to court records, the boy’s mother described his ex-partner joining a “new age support group ”in 2012 and he had convinced that the government would seek to use mind control on Americans.

The bodies of O’Loughlin and his son were found during a well-being check after Hu told the police that Pierce did not show up for school at Convent & Stuart Hall in San Francisco, he the weapon used in the alleged murder-suicide was a pistol.



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