Vaccine protesters stormed BBC office – Telam


The moment when the demonstrators broke into the susidiaria.

The moment when the demonstrators burst into the street.

Protesters against the implementation of the “health pass” and the vaccination against Covid-19 among minors tried to break into a BBC network office in London on Monday.

The rioters shouted, “What a shame! and accused the channel of failing to present truthful information about the vaccination, according to local media outlet The Independent.

In a video released by the local newspaper The Mirror, it is seen that the officers barely manage to stop the crowd, which bursts into the entrance of the building occupied by BBC Studioworks, the commercial subsidiary of the company. A law enforcement official informed the media that none of the protesters had been arrested.

The UK government announced last week that it would expand the coronavirus vaccination schedule to all 16 and 17. So far, the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine is offered to children under 18 with medical complications, disabilities or living in close contact with people with immunodeficiency problems. .

As for the “health pass”, it is not only in the United Kingdom that it generates rejection in certain segments of the population.

In Francia, al menos 237,000 personas salieron a las calles de ms de 100 ciudades durante este end of semana, en la vspera de la habilitacin de un certificado that will be obligatorio para el ingreso in bars, restaurantes, cines, teatros, hospitalales y trenes de long distance.

On the other hand, in Italy, at least 20 million people have downloaded the “green pass” during the first three days of validity of the certificate which allows entering bars and participating in different indoor and outdoor activities.

The introduction of the “health pass” is gaining ground around the world and will soon be in New York as well.


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