Vaccine supply flow improves: 24,000 more to arrive before weekend


This Tuesday, 20,000 doses of AstraZeneca vaccines arrived in Cordoba, part of a batch purchased through the Covax mechanism, sponsored by the World Health Organization (WHO). And in the next few hours, 24,000 additional doses of vaccine against Sputnik V would arrive, part of a batch of 300,000 doses that will arrive in Ezeiza on Tuesday.

AstraZeneca vaccines will be administered with the same criteria defined by the Province on Monday: over 65 years of age, with comorbidities. Most Russian vaccines will follow the same pattern, except that not all of the vaccines that will arrive in this batch are component 1. Of the 24,000 doses that would arrive in Cordoba in this new shipment, around 6,000 would be used. to supplement the vaccination of people already vaccinated with component 1 of the Russian vaccine.

Until Monday, Cordoba had vaccinated 271,562 people with the first doses and had completed the vaccination of 48,537 of them.

The stock of vaccines was at the limit: “84.69% of the total of the first doses were applied and 86.90% of the total of the second doses received”, had recorded the daily vaccination report, which reported on Monday of 11 439 requests.

If this rate is maintained, the new confirmed shipments would serve to guarantee approximately four full days of vaccination. The province has yet to say whether this week’s schedule will include the April 2 public holiday, also Good Friday.

But a new flight to China has been confirmed, to bring 904 thousand doses of Sinopharm. of which a little more than 72,000 correspond to Cordoba. And the 11th flight to Russia is in preparation, with the aim of obtaining another 500,000 vaccines against Sputnik V. Of these, about 42,000 could reach the province.

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