Vaccines donated by the United States will arrive this weekend


At the end of June, President Joe Biden unveiled a plan to share 55 million doses of American doses Covid-19 worldwide, with approximately 75% of the doses allocated to Latin America and the Caribbean, Asia and Africa through the COVAX international vaccine exchange program.

Of the remaining 55 million doses, about 41 million will be distributed through COVAX, according to the White House, of which about 14 million will go to Latin America and the Caribbean, about 16 million to Asia and about 10 million to Africa.

The remaining 25%, or some 14 million doses, would be distributed among “regional priorities”, such as Argentina, Colombia, Iraq, Ukraine, the West Bank and Gaza.

The arrival of these doses is possible because of the modifications imposed on law 27,573, also known as the “vaccines law”, by the necessity and emergency decree 431/2021 published in the Official Journal on Saturday July 3.

Con este cambio sobre la original legislación, el presidente Alberto Fernández instruyó a comenzar las negociaciones con los laboratorios productores de los fármacos para “encontrar la forma de compatibilizar las necesidades” de esas empresas “con los intereses que tiene que protectional”, in order to “Argentina acquires pediatric coronavirus vaccines and the spectrum of doses for the general population is broadened.”

La decisión del Gobierno para retocar el marco normativo vigente hasta ese momento también fue impulsada tras conocerse que Pfizer / Biontech había aprobado “a fin de mayo un inmunizante” para uso pediátrico “, el primero a nivel mundial, para una población de entre 12 15 years old.

“We are working to receive information which also has the regulatory axis and the axis of clinical trials in those under 18 years of age, and in particular in children and adolescents with comorbidities”, counted Carla Vizzotti, Minister of National Health.

In this regard, last week the government asked Chinese pharmaceutical company Sinopharm, a supplier in Argentina, for data that confirmed the efficacy and further application of its vaccine to pediatric groups, and it is expected that next week he will make the same request with Pfizer.

The objective is that the National Medicines Administration, Food and medical technology (Anmat) can analyze the information from the studies in order to authorize it if necessary.

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