Valentine, Romeo and Juliet and memes: Is love a romantic love?


Federico mana veneer

To celebrate something first, we need to define it, but to define it we need to close, limit, place boundaries. Can we then celebrate love? In view of the pbadage of a new February 14thIt seems that the answer to this question is positive. Thousands of couples broke the routine to do something "special" to commemorate the date and celebrate their craze. But, again, what kind of love did you celebrate?

It is interesting to note how to refer to what we call "love". The Greeks of Antiquity had at least four words: Eros, sTORGE, philia, agape. In other words, a relationship with the other can be crossed by an erotic pbadion, an empathy, a fraternity or an unconditionality. Although we do not have as many categories, we also understand that, for example, the maternal love is different perhaps from the love between friends.

However, whoever takes all the lights is usually the kind of romantic love that, in our opinion, unites two people and engages both erotic and devotional. In our society, this link is more important than any other and is presented as the ideal par excellence for all subjects. Why would the government put a gigantography of Romeo and Juliet at Casa Rosada, if not?

Now, how is this desire born? Is romantic love peculiar to human nature or is it a social construction? The stories of disengaged couples struggling to be together in the face of adversity have entertained and generated fantasies in generations across the centuries. But why are we more attracted to the story of a young sick couple who ends up dying before accepting their separation than by telling the daily story of a couple who runs a Western routine? The answer is obvious: the fantasy of love as an escape from a reality that overwhelms us.

In this way, we have made an idea of ​​sentimental relationships rarely related to what is really happening: the magical and illusive veil of unbridled pbadions desperately falls into a relationship where the most exciting is go together to the supermarket.

Thus, this amorous fantasy born as an escape has managed to integrate in order to create a definition of love in itself, that is to say, to limit it. How many people, even having many emotional ties with others, feel bad about not being able to maintain a relationship of this type? How far have we removed others from our inability to adapt to our romantic pretensions?

When a date like Valentine's Day it becomes so present in imposing some perspective on what is love and how it should be lived, it results in a pattern of excluded and excluded people who must suffer because they can not adapt to the expectations of others. This causes a sense of frustration, anxiety and depression that makes "love" a phenomenon through which suffering can only be obtained.

Therefore, will romantic love be the most conducive to happiness? Should we seek a definitive definition of love and hope that it will be accepted by all? Even when philosophy can be described as a "love of knowledge," it seems more conducive to question love than to say what it is.

Maybe this tireless research work is a good approximation to understand what is love talking about?


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