Vandal parents promised to repair the damage


After the wave of criticism that sparked the viraliser of a video showing a group of young people tearing and intentionally destroying a large number of shrubs from the new central Oroño Boulevard quarry, their parents met yesterday the authorities Ministry of Environment and Public Spaces and have been made available.

At the meeting, the parents agreed to take the necessary steps to repair the damage or take the necessary actions to repair the damage. As they relied on the municipality, this behavior even exceeded the economic costs of the vandalism produced by these young people, students of a downtown school.

"The parents were very touched and the boys were shocked and sorry, the viralization of the images was very painful," said Marina Borgatello, Secretary of the Environment and Public Space.

The local manager has already contacted the Santa Fe Ombudsman's office to create a joint work table to continue to deal with the problem with the parents and children who caused the damage.

In addition, Borgatello confirmed that he would extend his statement to the Office of the Prosecutor, where the parents' request to make himself available to the judge will be attached. The damage was estimated at 10,000 pesos.


The controversy and indignation provoked by the images of a group of young people tearing and destroying new bushes in the central Oroño Boulevard quarry became one of the themes of the day and served as a focus for discussion at each school. , in each at each family table.

The video went viral on social media on Wednesday and sparked a wave of repudiation. This violent episode occurred at the intersection of San Juan Street. Faced with this action, the municipality initiated legal proceedings with a presentation to the prosecutor's office. And because of the impact, the elected mayor, Pablo Javkin, has expressed himself publicly and has been very hurt by the behavior of the young people.

"It hurts me to see these pictures, you have to take care of the city, like it, it's our home, the time for respect is approaching," wrote Javkin via his Twitter account.

The footage revealed a group of boys who broke up and caused damage Tuesday night in an emblematic area of ​​the rapidly changing city, from Pellegrini Avenue to Rivadavia. After these publications, critics from all sectors were keen.

For their part, the Ministry of Environment of the municipality said that this episode "will not pass.We understand that there must be a repair, but that we have not decided. That's why we made the presentation to the prosecutor's office. "

They were filmed. The young people were recorded by breaking the bushes.


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