Vargas Llosa congratulated Macri and attacked the voters of Alberto Fernández


From Spain, to thousands of kilometers of political and economic crises that cross different countries of Latin America, the writer Mario Vargas Llosa published a wide-ranging opinion piece in which he described the government of Mauricio Macri "The most competent and the most honest that the country has known for a long time" and said that the fault in the current situation is the "frenetic populism" of the previous direction. In addition, he lamented that the leader of Cambiemos does not demand "more sacrifices to a people exhausted by the excesses of Kirchner".

The Peruvian author wrote in the Chilean newspaper The third entitled "Back to barbarism", or repeats the scenario already pbaded by the macrismo, on the alleged "barbarism" that awaits Argentina in case the electoral result of the PASS repeats itself.


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In this line, he said that "Argentina could imitate it (Venezuela) if the Argentineans repeat the furious madness of these primary elections, in which they repudiated Macri "and described as" delusional "the huge advantage that the Front of all got on Together for Change.

For Vargas Llosa, the failure of Macri is explained by the fact that it did not require "more sacrifices to a people exhausted by the excesses of Kirchner "

For Vargas Llosa, it was the crisis that motivated the result and called into question the fact that the "The commitment of the Macri team to not require more sacrifices from a people exhausted by the excesses of Kirchner".

"Now, the Argentinians in distress hold the current government accountable – probably the most competent and honest country ever – for the consequences of the frenetic populism that has ruined the only country in Latin America that has managed to get out of the country. underdevelopment, thanks to Peron and Peronism, he came back with keen enthusiasm, "he said.


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