Vargas Llosa will participate today in Córdoba in the presentation of "Rayuela" by Cortázar


The President of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) and the Association of Spanish Language Academies (Asale), Santiago Muñoz Machado, announced in his inaugural address the VIII International Congress of the Spanish Language (Cile) that the book published by the Argentine author Julio Cortázar will be a beacon in carrying out the activities of the network.

In his opening address, the Spanish professor emphasized Cortázar's contribution to universal literature and gave the example of his most recognized work. Rayuela.

"This will be the book of this eighth congress, so a new edition (of the work) has been promoted and will be presented tomorrow," he said. "The program also follows the spirit of the book," he added, referring to the multiplicity of activities and conferences proposed by the event that can be freely chosen to form their own table, in which the style proposed by Cortázar for reading. Rayuela.

Thus, Muñoz Machado urged participants to "set up the board of directors according to what you want to learn or hear at the congress".

Rayuela's reissue

On the reissue of the book of Cortázar, it is known that it includes, for the first time since 1983, the reproduction facsimile of the "Cuaderno de binára", with the notes of Julio Cortázar for the writing of the novel , and incorporates additional texts by Gabriel García Márquez Adolfo Bioy Casares, Carlos Fuentes, Mario Vargas Llosa, Sergio Ramirez, Julio Ortega, Andrés Amorós, Eduardo Romano and Graciela Montaldo.

This notebook allows, as a game so appreciated by Cortázar, a dialogue between the author and the reader on the novel that crosses the boundaries of time.

The RAE, Asale, the Academia Argentina de Letras (AAL) and the Alfaguara publishing house want to pay homage to one of the most important Spanish authors of all time and to their work the most iconic, reported the label Penguin Random House.

With RayuelaCortázar gave the character a literary character: a game that involves the reader as a protagonist and is therefore renewed every time, thus remaining valid for life.

Presentation with illustrious guests

The presentation will take place this Thursday at 8pm at the Teatro Real, located in San Jerónimo 66 (in front of Plaza San Martín), and will feature the special participation of the writer and Nobel Laureate Mario Vargas Llosa.

Depending on the interest generated by the activity, a large influx of people is expected. The event can be followed via streaming of the site of the Cile in retransmission in the Patio del Cabildo historico (Independencia 30).

The tribute to Cortázar through the reissue of his most famous work was organized by the RAE, AAL and Alfaguara publishing house.


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