Vatican confirms deportation of Santa Fe priest convicted of sexual abuse


Monzón committed the crimes for which he was condemned by the courts and now expelled by the Church when he was in charge of the parish of María Madre de Dios, in the town of Santa Fe de Reconquista.

Here is the text of the letter from the Bishopric of Reconquista to the families of the victims:

“I inform you that, on June 1, 2021, the Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and Moderator of the College for the examination of resources. HE Cardinal Luis Francisco Ladaria Ferrer, communicated that: “(in reference)” in the case of Reverend Néstor Fabián Monzón, priest incardinated in his diocese who was forced to resign from the clerical state after being found guilty of delitum contra sectum cum minore, after a careful study of the case, in particular of the appeal ex article 27 OHS presented by the clergyman.

Against the decree, this appeal by the Dicastery is inadmissible. Consequently, the aforementioned decision of October 26, 2020, final for all intents and purposes.

After having gone through all the instances provided for by law in so-called “criminal gravity” cases, the administrative criminal proceedings, carried out in the diocese against the Reverend Néstor Fabián Monzón, have come to an end.

The following legal effects flow from the letter sent by the Holy See:

1) The penalty of Expulsion from the Clerical State, inflicted on the person of the Rev. Néstor Fabián Monzón, by decree 044/19, of the Bishop of Reconquista and confirmed by the decree of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, of October 26, 2020, is FINAL.

2) On June 29, 2021, Mr. Néstor Fabián Monzón was informed of the resolution of the Holy See and the said sentence became fully effective, with all its effects, ad normam iuris.

3) The perpetual expiatory penalty of expulsion from the clerical state (can. 1336 §1, 5 °), imposed on the person of Mr. Monzón includes:

A) The loss of all the rights which flow from being a cleric (can. 292).

B) M. Monzón is no longer subject to the obligations of the clerical state, without prejudice to what is prescribed in can. 291.

C) It is forbidden for Mr. Monzón to exercise the priestly ministry and all actions that derive from the power of order, the provisions of can. 976.

D) M. Monzón is deprived of all offices, functions and any delegated power which he might have received (can. 292).

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