Vatican reform against abuse | A papal decree


Pope Francisco yesterday sanctioned three documents aimed at preventing and combating abuse against minors in the Curia and the Vatican. With this measure, Francisco revealed that he intended to give the example of the behavior that episcopal conferences should adopt around the world. Among the new measures include the extension of the statute of limitations to 20 years (previously set at four years) and the obligation to report as soon as someone knows of a new case.

One of the approved documents is Francisco's "motu propio" with which he reforms the Vatican law. There, the pope establishes the obligation to report to the Vatican justice cases of abuse committed against minors and vulnerable persons when he knows of a case. The second signed document refers to the new norm, while in the third, the pope has proposed guidelines to deal with cases of violence committed by religious residing in the Vatican. The reforms announced by Francisco come shortly after the closure of the Vatican meeting on the protection of minors, in which a series of regulations and legal codes aimed at protecting minors in the Church and preventing abuses are announced.

At the beginning of the apostolic letter, the pontiff said: "The protection of minors and vulnerable people is an integral part of the Gospel message that the Church and all its members are called to spread throughout the world. further the institutional and regulatory framework for preventing and combating abuses against children and vulnerable people in the Church. "Francisco stressed that victims and their families would benefit from adequate pastoral care. as well as spiritual, medical, psychological, legal and fair support for a fair and impartial trial. He also badured that the person found guilty of abuse would be relieved of his position and would be guaranteed psychological and spiritual rehabilitation. Finally, Motu Proprio guarantees that adequate training will be offered for the protection of minors and vulnerable people.

To achieve these goals, the pope demanded that all members, officers and employees of the Curia, diplomatic agents of the Holy See, staff of the Vatican State and anyone with an administrative or judicial mandate of the Holy -Sieve promptly file a justice complaint whenever they have news or substantiated grounds to believe that a minor or a person has been violated in their rights. Before concluding the Motu Proprio, Francisco ordered the creation of training programs for staff of the Curia and related Vatican institutions. candidate's ability to interact with minors.

In addition to the Motu Proprio, Francisco presented certain guidelines and signed a law on the state of the Vatican City. The law, meanwhile, includes 12 articles in which are detailed the scope, procedure, obligation to report, protective measures and other items affecting the company. 39, case investigation, trial and procedure. repair to the victims. In addition, it is established that violent crimes will not expire 20 years after the fact. On the other hand, it is established that the penalties range from one thousand to five thousand euros fine.

On the other hand, the guidelines provide definitions of crimes. On the one hand, it prohibits the infliction of corporal punishment of any kind; Establish a preferential relationship with a minor and leave a child in a potentially dangerous situation for their psychological or physical safety. On the other hand, it forbids to address a minor in an offensive manner or to badume inappropriate or badually alusing behaviors; discriminate against them as well as photograph or film a minor without his consent. To avoid these crimes, Francisco recommends that pastoral agents be cautious, respectful, stay in open spaces with a child and report any potentially dangerous behavior.

These new norms reform like this the legislation of the Vatican City State where the Penal Code known as the Zanardelli of 1889 is still in force. for example, abuse will be punishable by law even in the absence of a complaint but if there is any evidence of the case. Another problem is that those who omit or delay a complaint will be punished, except in the case of secrecy of confessions.

This law will apply to all Vatican workers, to the curia and to all members of the diplomatic staff of nononciatures. The new documents also establish the creation of a support service for victims of abuse, which will be coordinated by a qualified expert and where the victim can go to ask for help, receive badistance medical and psychological.


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