Vatican scandal: "the guardian angel" of the pope is thrown – Radio Report 3


Pope Francis on Monday accepted the resignation of his chief of security, the commander of the Vatican Gendarmerie, Domenico Giani, who was investigated for disclosing to the press information about an investigation into possible financial fraud against five officials of the Holy See.

The pontiff decided to accept the departure of Giani after an order of the gendarmerie was published in the media, which should remain reserved, on the prohibition of entry to the Vatican of five officials being the subject of investigation for possible fraudulent maneuvers against the bank of the Holy See, the so-called IOR.

In this context, according to a Vatican statement, Giani resigned "to ensure serenity to the ongoing investigation, coordinated by the Promoter of Justice and conducted by the Gendarmerie Corps, since the author of the external disclosure of the confidential order, reserved for members of the gendarmerie corps and the Swiss pontifical guard, remains unknown. "

In the statement, however, it is pointed out that Giani, 57 years old and 20 people working in the Holy See, has "no personal responsibility in the development of events", although the pontiff nevertheless accepted the resignation.

In early October, several Italian media republished a Vatican ordinance banning the entry of Tommaso Di Ruzza, Mauro Carlino, Vincenzo Mauriello, Fabrizio Tirabassi and Caterina Sansone, who are currently doing the same thing. # 39; object of an investigation by the Vatican justice for alleged fraud in the course of real estate operations. with money from the Holy See.

For Francisco, the broadcast of the faces of the respondents was a "serious fact as a mortal sin," said his spokesperson Matteo Bruni this weekend, the presumption of innocence having not been respected.

In statements following the official Vatican press, Giani expressed dissatisfaction with the release of the gendarmerie document and said the circular "certainly trampled on the dignity of these people".

"I too, as a commander, was ashamed of what happened and the suffering I caused to these people." For this reason, after having said and testified to Always be willing to sacrifice my life to defend that of the pope, it is with this same spirit that decision to resign my resignation so as not to harm the image and activity of the Holy Father, "he added.

After accepting his departure, Francisco described his resignation as "a manifestation of institutional freedom and sensitivity" and recalled "the twenty years of indisputable loyalty", according to the Holy See.

Giani's dismissal, published in an official statement Monday, came after a swift investigation by Vatican prosecutor Roberto Zanotti and a meeting with the now-displaced papal security official and Jorge Bergoglio himself in the past few hours.

The report of Héctor Lorenzo.


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