Vatican: Three women moved to the summit against sexual abuse in the Church – 23/02/2019


Three women and the same Pope They broke the status of women at the world summit meeting of bishops and religious leaders, displacing the 190 church leaders present at the meeting. In several interventions, Francisco declared that "the Church is a woman and that she has the feminine genius", while the superior of the order of the Holy Child Jesus, the Nigerian mother Verónica Openibo, in a very harsh speech, said Saturday at the third session Plenary session devoted to transparency: "We must recognize that it is our mediocrity, our hypocrisy and our condescension that have led us into this scandalous and scandalous place in which we find ourselves as a Church ".

The canonist Linda Ghisoni, under-secretary of the Vatican's "ministry" for laity, family and life, proposed in turn to establish independent consultative commissions on the territory of each episcopal conference, to advise and badist bishops and religious superiors and to promote a level of uniform responsibility in the different dioceses. One of the central objectives of the Pope as the goal of this meeting is to create an effective control network in the dioceses, especially through working groups, which provide "badistance, advice to pastors" and inform "all the faithful of the territory of the appropriate procedures".

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The bishops are directly dependent on the pope today and it is important to find effective ways of to prevent episcopal culture from protecting pedophile priests from persisting in the Church, give up the victims.

Nigerian mother Veronica Openibo delivered a very harsh speech against pedophilia in the clergy, in front of 190 summit participants in the Vatican. / REUTERS

Nigerian mother Veronica Openibo delivered a very harsh speech against pedophilia in the clergy, in front of 190 summit participants in the Vatican. / REUTERS

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The pope intervened outside the program during the session devoted to the responsibility of the bishops. He said that "inviting a woman to speak is not an ecclesiastical feminism, because ultimately any feminism becomes machismo with pollera". "It is not a question of giving more functions but of integrating the female figure as a true image of the Church."

The fact that the Pope must give explanations for having invited women to speak at a clearly male summit to discuss the badual crimes committed by men (priests) against children and adolescents, already underlines the delay and discrimination of the Church with the other half of heaven.

But the female irruption was as positive as Francisco's attitude.

The third woman who shook the new hall of the Synod, where ecclesiastical leaders meet, did not give her her name.. He is a victim who testified through a video. She was mistreated by a priest for five years and stated that "the emotional cost is very high".

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He said how much he had suffered by denouncing "in front of six people, only men and priests". "I think that a female presence would be an essential attention to welcome, listen to and accompany our victims," ​​he said.

The woman wondered how they could "the same hands that had come over me to bless and offer the Eucharist." It's an adult and I'm a girl. "

The victim explained the serious physical and psychological consequences of these attacks. His long testimony, the damage of all kinds he has experienced and lives a long process of recovery that will never end. It was a heartbreaking testimony and the pope's agitation was visible (some present think he cried) when he felt it.

The pope was present at the women's speeches at the Vatican summit on Saturday, and was moved to listen to the victim of abuse. / EFE

The pope was present at the women's speeches at the Vatican summit on Saturday, and was moved to listen to the victim of abuse. / EFE

Francisco said that while listening to the badistant secretary Linda Ghisoni, "I felt that the church was talking about itself". "Listening to a woman who reflects on the wounds of the Church, is inviting the Church to speak of herself, wounds that has" He concluded that both have the same picture because the Church "is a woman, is a woman and is a mother".

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The superior mother of the Company of the Holy Child Jesus, Verónica Openibo, asked the ambbadador of bishops and religious to "publish the names of those guilty of abuse" and that all have the same sentences that the victims ask for. "

"Do not hide other similar facts, for fear of making mistakes, we often want to stay calm until the storm has calmed down, but this storm will not happen," warned the nun. .

Mother Openibo claimed that badual abuse by religious "is a crisis that has reduced the credibility of the Church, transparency being the mark of mission as disciples of Jesus Christ."

The nuns insisted that "the first thing the church should do is to be transparent," and asked, "how could the clerical church be silent and cover up such atrocities," a direct reproach to bishops, religious leaders and the Vatican itself.

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Openibo Mother has launched a series of proposals, including "a clear and balanced education and training on baduality and the confines of seminaries and formation houses". He also called for "the ongoing formation of priests, men and women religious and bishops".

After the summit that ends this Sunday with a speech by the Pope, it is considered inevitable that the pontiff faces the "crescendo" denunciations of rapes of nuns by clerics in different countries of the world. This drama, which has resulted in a diminished number of religious consecrated in the Church in recent decades, also includes the ongoing discrimination of nuns in the life of the Church, many of whom are forced to work Cardinals, bishops and great prelates, as has been denounced even in the pages of the Vatican newspaper "L'Osservatore Romano".

Vatican Correspondent



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