Vázquez, the repentant that no one wanted to listen to and now he would change his mind


Manuel Vázquez

Manuel Vázquez was convinced that the only way to save his children and his wife from legal problems was to confess their crimes.
burial of the Sarmiento train. A few hours had elapsed since he entered the operating room for an open-heart surgery when he appeared in the prosecutor's office on February 26 in the office of the prosecutor Franco Picardi to repent.

Vázquez, the man who ran the companies
unsanctified of

Ricardo Jaime,

admitted to justice for taking part in the bribe circuit aimed at directing the burial of the Sarmiento train and accused Ángelo Calcaterra, the president's cousin

Mauricio Macri,

to have paid $ 20 million in bribes to Kirchner officials to keep this job.

But now, two months later, Vázquez seems to have regretted repentance. Already recovered from the surgical intervention, the consultant welcomed the final decision of Judge Marcelo Martínez de Giorgi: although he was sued, the judge dismissed Julián Vázquez, Mariano Vázquez and Marta Domínguez (his children and his wife), the only three dismissals that took place. among the 50 imputed. His main motivation to confess the role of Calcaterra (also benefiting from the lack of merit) was already dispelled.

We still need to know the future of his confession. After the decision, Vázquez changed his defense and his new lawyer, Andrés Gramajo, warned that his legal strategy would have a "radical turning point" in the cause of Sarmiento's burial. From their entourage, they acknowledge that maintaining confessions would be "a time bomb", admit that they badyze "other alternatives" and justify their decision by "pressure" from their previous lawyers. "It's a far-fetched regret," they summed up.

Despite all these new provisions imposed by Vázquez after the judgment, the representative of Jaime stated that he had not yet presented himself to Comodoro Py because he had not been summoned by the Judge Martínez de Giorgi. The interpretation of the law of the repentant that they make before this court is in contradiction with the measures taken by the judge

Claudio Bonadio

in corruption notebooks, an emblematic case with dozens of repentants.

The accused's collaboration must be "effective", that is, the repentant's words must be verified with documents, a condition that would not satisfy Vázquez's confessions, the judicial investigators said. who read his complete statement. "These are all non-removable sayings," they synthesized. In any event, Judge Martínez de Giorgi would summon Vázquez in May to decide on the future of his confession.

Vazquez confessed before the prosecutor that Sarmiento's burial talks began between 2005 and 2006 when the contract was being drafted. He detailed at least three personal meetings with Calcaterra and Javier Sánchez Caballero, another of Iecsa's executives, always to their advantage with the contract, I was able to rebuild

At these meetings, a first payment of US $ 5 million was agreed to begin negotiations with officials, a second payment of US $ 15 million to guide the bidding process for the consortium (coordination of the workbook expenses) and finally it was agreed Payments of 10% would be executed whenever the state would donate funds for the works.

In the expectation of these confessions, the prosecutor Picardi appealed Friday the decision that had benefited not only to Calcaterra and the family of Vázquez, but also to dozens of entrepreneurs from Odebrecht and from Ghella, the companies that won the contract with Iecsa. .

For now, Vázquez will return Monday to appear before the judge. The forensic body determined that he was already able to testify before the judge after the operation. The leader of Jaime will listen Monday by videoconference accusations against him during the oral trial for its enrichment and for the purchase of trains to Spain and Portugal.


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