Venereal Disease "Rare" British Alerts


ENGLAND.- The bacterium Mycoplasma badium & # 39; (MG) causes a rare badually transmitted disease that could trigger "a public health emergency" if appropriate measures are not taken, as warned the UK Association for Sexual Health and HIV (BASHH).

Although today this organism is only present in 1% or 2% of the population of the United Kingdom, it is the institution considers that it could become a "superbact" in 15 years if the health services do not provide medical examinations and adequate treatment, reports the RT information portal.

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This microbe that lives in the system urinary and reproductive and which is transmitted through badual intercourse, sometimes produces inflammation of the reproductive organs in women and could cause infertility.

As can be confused with others, this bacterium is adapted to many drugs used to treat STDs and it is possible that it becomes resistant to antibiotics it is not healed enough.

Paddy Horner, a professor at the University of Bristol and co-author of the BASHH study, informs physicians that patients who have symptoms are properly diagnosed with specific tests, treat them so appropriate and "make sure they are cured".

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