Venezuela: after the concert duel, the arrival of humanitarian aid is expected


On the eve of the expected influx of humanitarian aid to Venezuela, the impetus for power in the Caribbean country has been staged with two opposing concerts ("Venezuela Aid Live" and "Hands" off Venezuela "). However, this is just the beginning of something that can be historic. This Saturday, Juan Guaidó, self-proclaimed interim President, will seek to facilitate the entry of food products and medicines at the country's borders, including from Colombia, where the largest amounts of donations are stored. Nicolás Maduro, for his part, will not sit back and try to prevent this from happening. In any case, it will be a day that will be remembered: the world has its eyes riveted on Venezuela.

This Saturday will be the day Guaidó, that Friday the border has pbaded and he was in Colombia in the "Venezuela Aid Live", trying to transfer to his country the tons of humanitarian aid that he had asked the international community for weeks ago and which are in Cúcuta. In this city, there is the greatest number of donations. Two other entry points are found in Brazil, in the state of Roraima and on the island of Curaçao.

Brazilian soldiers organize an expedition with humanitarian aid.
Brazilian soldiers organize an expedition with humanitarian aid.

The opposition and the ruling party will demonstrate in all states. A long time ago, the streets of Venezuela will be filled with people favorable and opposed to both sectors. After dozens of officers of the Bolivarian National Guard, who respond to the government, have fired tear gas to try to disperse a demonstration of hundreds of residents at the border with Brazil, fearing that the government will not be safe. other incidents do not occur this Saturday. Especially after the Maduro government announced the closure of all the bridges connecting Colombia and Brazil.

On Friday, two people were killed after receiving shots and 22 others were injured in a clash between members of a Pemon group and members of the military community during a demonstration in the south from the country.

The Bolivarian National Guard keeps the border.
The Bolivarian National Guard keeps the border.

Guaidó, who had left Caracas on Thursday, crossed Venezuelan territory to get to the city of Cúcutadespite a court order that responds to Maduro preventing him from leaving his country.

"The question is how did we get here today when they banned the airspace, banned all kinds of shipping, obstructed the roads (…) We are here precisely because the armed forces also participated In this process, "said Guaidó, the political leader said he arrived in Cúcuta to seek the help of the United States and its allies to deal with the crisis in Venezuela.

"Tomorrow (Saturday), a month after baduming the duties of president in charge, all the people of Venezuela will be on the streets demanding the entry of humanitarian aid, "he added.

Maduro also called on his supporters to commit to what he sees as a US plan to "invade militarily" under the guise of humanitarian support.


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