Venezuela: as the Maduro regime could not stop the opposition Javier González, he arrested his mother, his brother and his cousin


SEBIN is one of the intelligence agencies of the Venezuelan regime
SEBIN is one of the intelligence agencies of the Venezuelan regime

The regime of Nicolás Maduro arrested on Wednesday María Coromoto González, mother of activist and member of the Popular Will party in Caracas, Javier González “El gocho”.

The information was denounced through the political party’s Twitter, where it was assured that the security forces presented themselves at the residence of “El Gocho” and, not finding him, they arrested his mother, his brother Michael and his cousin Michel González.

“We hold the dictatorship responsible for what may happen to the family of our brother and we reject this new action of the regime against our organization“They wrote in another post on Twitter.

Jorge Rodríguez, official and president of the National Assembly, spoke of a suspected plan within the Colombian government to plan a fake attack on President Iván Duque.  Photo: National Assembly
Jorge Rodríguez, official and president of the National Assembly, spoke of a suspected plan within the Colombian government to plan a fake attack on President Iván Duque. Photo: National Assembly

The leader of the Chavist Parliament, the ruling party Jorge Rodríguez, had shown Tuesday alleged conversations by WhatsApp between Freddy Guevara, arrested Monday, and other opponents who are part of the political party Voluntad Popular, led by Leopoldo López, including “El Gocho.

In addition, fOfficials from the Bolivarian Intelligence Service in Venezuela (SEBÍN) attempted on Tuesday to enter the residence of the parents of the director of the country’s interim presidential office, Luis Somaza.

“The dictatorship attacks us to stop the change in Vzla, shows once again that it is afraid and uses its officials to show a power that it does not have”said Somaza.

The opposition official posted a video on his Twitter account in which he described the action as harassment by the Nicolás Maduro regime. He called on the international community to take a stand on “this violation of human rights”.

In the picture, opposition leader Juan Guaidó.  EFE / Rayner Peña / Archives
In the picture, opposition leader Juan Guaidó. EFE / Rayner Peña / Archives

Earlier and also via Twitter, the president in charge of Venezuela, Juan Guaidó, asserted that the Chavista dictatorship “will continue to persecute” and demanded both political union and the support of the international community.

The head of the legitimate National Assembly also said that: “The dictatorship will continue to continue, which requires greater unity, the support of the international community and a focus on goals.”

On Monday, the regime through Sebin arrested the former opposition parliamentarian Freddy guevara, and his lawyers denounce that they have not yet had access to his client and that, therefore, they consider him to be the victim of “enforced disappearance”.

In the image, Venezuelan opposition leader Freddy Guevara.  EFE / Rayner Peña R./File
In the image, Venezuelan opposition leader Freddy Guevara. EFE / Rayner Peña R./File

The prosecutor’s office, which confirmed on Monday that the former parliamentarian was being held by officials from Sebin, accused Guevara of being linked to “extremist and paramilitary groups associated with the Colombian government”.


Maduro’s regime harassed relatives of Luis Somaza, Juan Guaidó’s main collaborator
Leopoldo López asserted that “it is time to resume the protests in Venezuela, as is happening in Cuba”

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